Logo del EncuentroThese are the conclusions and the challenges of the first meeting of the Vincentian Brothers of Latin America (CLAPVI). We have chosen not to write a long theoretical document, but rather a straightforward document directed towards action.THE CONCLUSIONS AND CHALLENGES OF THE FIRST MEETING

1. These are the conclusions and the challenges of the first meeting of the Vincentian Brothers of Latin America (CLAPVI). We have chosen not to write a long theoretical document, but rather a straightforward document directed towards action. We presume, of course, all the principles found in the Constitutions and Statutes as well as the themes treated in the meeting. We intend to remark upon and emphasize those aspects which we consider more important as priorities in the present situation of the Brothers in the Congregation. What follows is grouped according to the themes treated in the meeting, namely, identity, mission, the Brother’s profile, formation and vocation ministry.

2. This document looks, above all, to the present and future of the Brothers in the Congregation in relationship to the contemporary situation in our world. We have absolutely no intention of rejecting or judging the reality of the Brothers in the past. On the contrary, many of these Brothers have given great edification by the example of their simple lives and have been a wonderful stimulus for our own vocations as Brothers of the Congregation of the Mission.


3. Following the ideal of Saint Vincent, the Constitutions make clear our vocation to follow Christ the Evangelizer of the Poor. So also, Vincentian Missionaries include both clerics and laymen. In the majority of countries we are known as “Vincentian Fathers,” or something similar, but this expression excludes the reality of the Brothers and, consequently, the proper nature of the Congregation. We prefer that we are known as “Vincentian Missionaries.”

5. The Vincentian lay missionary has traditionally been called “Coadjutor Brother.” But this name is not to be found in the present Constitutions. This expression comes from a mentality which conceived of the Brother as a second class missionary whose exclusive role was that of assisting the priest. We would like to see this expression deleted from the vocabulary of the Congregation, and, what is more important, from its mindset. We prefer to be known as “Vincentian Brothers.”

6. The Brother as a lay person consecrated to the Mission is distinguished from secular persons by his vow of Stability, devoting himself as he does to the evangelization of the poor in the Congregation for the whole of his life.

7. The Brother as a lay person consecrated in the Mission is also distinguished from the consecrated religious, insofar as the finality of the vows is not (personal) sanctification, but a means for realizing the end of the Congregation.


8. As Vincentian Missionaries, both clerics and laymen, we participate in the same vocation-mission. The Brother, in contrast to the cleric, has to live his vocation-mission on the based of lay consecration.


9. In accordance with the directives of our Constitutions we would like to see the Brother have an integral formation directed to being a Vincentian missionary. We believe it would be very fitting to work out a Ration Formationis for the Brother of the Congregation of the Mission, in collaboration with the Brothers themselves.

10. We believe that it would be very good for the integration and formation of Vincentian missionaries that clerical and Brother candidates reside together in the same house during their period of Initial Formation. It would likewise be very desirable that a Brother be actively involved in the formation process by living in the same house of by coming at specified times.

11. Vincentian Axis: we believe that Vincentian Formation is fundamental to shaping us as Vincentian missionaries. We acknowledge that we have received very little formation from this point of view, since this was not one of the axes of our formation, and therefore it is necessary to go deeply and thoroughly into this area.

12. The Human Dimension: because consideration of the place of the Brother in the Congregation has been insufficient, he has lived in a state of low self-esteem. Recognition of his proper role in the Congregation has already begun, but it should continue until he is placed on a level of equality with every Vincentian missionary. The Brother on his side should take account of this reality and form himself in the acquisition of emotional equilibrium and affective maturity, being open even to the help of psychologists.

13. The Spiritual Dimension: generally our prayer has become a monotonous activity and does not enable us to have a good experience of God. We are used to being tied to a regular schedule and when it is missing or our work overwhelms us, prayer disappears. We propose at least in our formation there be a school of Vincentian prayer which introduces us to the necessity of prayer in connection with the reality of the poor.

14. Intellectual Dimension: it would be good for the Brothers to have a definite biblical-theological formation. The reasons why we think this are:


  • It is necessary for the evangelization and service of the poor.
  • It is the basis for pastoral activity.
  • Since the formation of lay people is an urgent priority in Latin America and the people are all the time better prepared, it is necessary to be at their level in order to provide quality formation.
  • It would enable the Brothers to be active in theological dialogues of the Community and in pastoral planning.
  • It would promote self-esteem and allow Brothers to experience they are in a state of equality with the clerics

15. The Statutes indicate that the missionaries require a specific and professional formation that accords with their abilities and the needs of the Mission. The Brothers, in order to fulfill the end of the Congregation, urgently need this kind of specialization.

16. Apostolic Dimension: today it is clear that the Brother has many and diverse responsibilities in his apostolic work. In the Congregation: there has been in the traditional ambit of the Brother, the provider of services to the Community. We do not reject these common services, but we believe the moment has come, with adequate preparation, to expand the horizon of our work to those roles the clerics have, which do not depend on the sacrament of Orders (econome, administrator, formator…). In the Church: we recognize that an expansion of the apostolic work of the Brother has been going on. We believe that the Brother, by reason of his lay state, is able to strengthen the innovative role of the laity as pastoral agents in the Church, through animation and formation. In the World: the lay person is called to sanctify and evangelize the realities of the world. The Brother, as a lay person, is able to be the presence of the Church in the world (education, health, means of communication…), always proceeding of course on the basis of the provincial plan (project) and the local community plan (project).

17. Community Dimension: due to the traditional role of the Brother, it is possible that he may have been a passive participant in Community life, tending to isolate himself. Today we ought to be active agents in the construction of the Community.

18. With these things in mind we believe it necessary to promote a concientization among the clerics in order to further the integration of the Brothers. We propose that in community meditation, in the evaluations of the Provincial Plan and the Community Plan, in the houses of Formation and in Ongoing Formation the themes and conclusions of this meeting be studied.

19. In order to have a greater integration of the Brother in the Congregation it would be very fitting to make provision for their presence in the Provincial and General Assemblies.


20. As has been indicated in this document, the fundamental reality is our Vincentian identity, on the basis of which vocational ministry should in the first place present the call of God to be a Vincentian Missionary.

21. It would be desirable to prepare Brothers for the work of promoting vocations and to make available materials which present the vocation of the Brother.

22. As much as possible, the Brothers should participate in the Commission for Promoting Vocations and in the actual activities of vocational promotion (vocation days, meetings, conversations, retreats, camping….).

23. We believe some basic criteria would be helpful in selecting candidates as Brothers. We suggest they be between 18 and 30 years of age, have at least a secondary education, and be in good physical and mental health.

24. We believe that we should not “force” candidates to become clerics, as has happened on some occasions. The right path should be to support personal discernment, for which vocational accompaniment is fundamental.


25. We believe that it would be good and necessary that the Brothers maintain ongoing communication in order to follow up the conclusions and challenges of this meeting. To this end, the creation of a Commission would help to continue this communication.

At Santo Domingo, 20 October 2007
The Vincentian Brothers of CLAPVI