Annual Gathering of the German Speaking Members of the Vincentian Family

By: Giuseppe Turati, CM

From March 29-31 the usual gathering of MEGVIS was held in Untermarchtal (Germany).  The theme of this year’s gathering was “Barmherzlichkeit” (mercy).  About eighty persons participated in this meeting among whom were various Vincentian Sisters from the Congregations that form the Confederation, laymen and laywomen and confreres from the Congregation of the Mission, especially from the Province of Austria-Germany and the Province of Slovenia.

    After some words of welcome by the President of MEGVIS (Father Norbert Ensch), Bishop Rieg of Tottenburg gave a presentation on the theme of mercy in which he analyzed Old and New Testament writings on that theme.

    That was followed by a presentation with regard to the three evangelical counsels: poverty (Sister Katharina Mock from Paderborn), chastity/celibacy (Sister Johanna Stocker from Untermachtal) and obedience (Father Alexander Jernei from Istanbul).

    Finally, a confrere from the Province of the Philippines (Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario) offered a reflection on “Vincentian Stability in the midst of an Unstable World”.

    Father Guiseppe Turati (Secretary General of the Congregation) represented the superior general in this gathering.

    Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM