First Vice-Provincial Assembly of Cameroon

Martial Tatchim Fotso, CM shares the following impressions of the first Vice-Provincial Assembly in Cameroon.

From Sunday to Saturday, 8-14 January 2017, the first Vice-Provincial Assembly of Cameroon was held at the Charity House in Bonjongo in Southwest Cameroon. Given the unusual character of this event in the history of this young Vice-Province, by special provision, the Vice-Visitor invited all the confreres of his Vice-Province for the occasion. Chaired by Father Clément Ondoa, Vice-Visitor, the theme of this Assembly was “Together for a real appropriation of the Vice-Provincial Norms.” The objective was to allow the confreres to assimilate the norms in order to be better disposed to live them.

Father Emmanuel Typamn moderated the Assembly, seconded by Father Robert Ondobo. Father Chrétien Tajikem served as secretary, assisted by Brother Georges Amassayouga.

Besides the presence of the confreres of the Vice-Province, one could also note the not-less-significant presence of the Assistant General responsible for Cameroon, Father Zeracristos Yosief. The latter was keen to respond favorably to the invitation of the Vice-Province by participating in this important moment in its history. The Assembly, the Assistant General highlighted, is “a moment of diagnosis for identifying the evils, evaluating the path traveled, and projecting toward a better future.”

Generally speaking, the Assembly took place in a climate of fraternity beyond the differences of opinion among the confreres on one or other aspect of the Vice-Province’s life.

The reports of the work of the small groups set up for this purpose made it possible to agree on a certain number of resolutions to be suggested to the Vice-Visitor and his Council for the development of the Vice-Provincial Project.

A commission made up of Fathers Jacob Nyeg, Jean-Marie Eho, Chrétien Tadjikem, and Brother Martial Tatchim drafted the final document of this Vice-Provincial Assembly.

The Assembly ended with a Mass of Thanksgiving presided over by the Vice-Visitor, surrounded by all the confreres. During this celebration, the Vice-Visitor thanked each of the confreres for his active participation, and, more specifically, the Assistant General, who came from Rome for this event.