Around Jesus, the night grows heavier. The betrayal is insinuated, unsettling the Master and disconcerting the disciples (John 13:21-33, 36-38). Even though loved and chosen, Judas lets himself be invaded by evil, he distances himself from the Lord and the brothers and begins implementing what interests him. Peter is brave, but soon after will not resist the temptation to deny the one for whom he said he was willing to give his life. The beloved disciple remains there, reclining on the Master’s chest, trying to pore over his heart. In the midst of all this, Jesus recognizes himself as glorified by the Father and ready to glorify him; the glory of a love that does not let itself be defeated by infidelity and the denial of its own; the glory of a life that becomes full as it is given. We know: applauded or rejected, nothing is more necessary than “Clothe in the spirit of the Gospel, to live and act as Our Lord lived and to let his love be reflected in our works” (SV XII, 107).


Today, in many ecclesial communities in Latin America, it is the day of the Meeting, the Meeting between the Lord of the long-suffering steps and the supportive Sorrowful Mother, the meeting between the love that is offered and the love that strengthens. What about our meetings? Do they communicate peace? Do they inspire hope? Do they generate joy? Do we know how to find others in their needs and sufferings? What do we have to offer those we meet? An inspiring presence? A comforting word? An encouraging gesture? Let us learn from today’s meeting: Jesus’s fidelity was revitalized in his Mother’s compassion. As Pope Francis teaches us, the “revolution of tenderness” is not done without the “culture of meeting.” For this, like Maria, “Let’s model our affections on His [Our Lord’s], so that His footsteps may be the rule of our own in the way of holiness (CCD XII, 186).

Vinícius Augusto Teixeira, C.M