The International Mission was established in 2012 as a joint mission of the General Council and the Province of Poland.

It began in a very remote and rural area of Benin, almost at the center of the country. Until recently, there were three missionaries, but now there are only two, so they urgently are awaiting at least one more missionary. Their main ministry is pastoral work, formation of the clergy, and assisting all the branches of the Vincentian Family. Besides the tremendous growth of the pastoral work of this mission, the confreres were able to establish a number of Basic Christian Communities. Most of these include educational infrastructure, schools, and dispensaries. Some
of the Vincentian Family’s branches are growing in Benin and there are also some religious congregations who share our spiritual heritage and are part of our Family. The confreres are doing their best to strengthen the already existing branches of our Family and to found those not currently present. There is a need for more missionaries. The Benin Mission will pass to the Polish Province in January 2018.