In 2018, we will celebrate 25 years of work among the Aymara indigenous peoples and some Quechua communities. The mission is located in arid and cold mountainous terrain, serving 56 communities in Moco-Moco, and 31 in Italaque. All of them are scattered and difficult to access. In many of these communities, the young leave and the elderly remain. Only the population of Moco-moco and some of its communities is experiencing a rebound thanks to the trade that reaches them. Building communities of faith has always been the main pastoral challenge with visits to the communities and work with catechists. It is imperative to celebrate the Eucharist and form people for the sacraments. Pastoral work is very diversified: biblical circles, pre-sacramental courses, formation of catechists, pastoral work
with families, preparation for feasts, formation of children and young people in groups. There are also programs promoting education, nutrition, health, and social welfare. What will happen in the future? The two missionaries have been working there for almost ten years. No one has volunteered for this mission, perhaps for fear of height and geographical conditions. Good health and physical stamina are required, but, above all, a strong missionary spirit whose moral and spiritual witness commits them to continuity to everything already undertaken. The diocese does not have enough priests to take over this area.