The Tunisia International Mission officially began in September 2011. The mission started at “La Goullette,” very close to Tunis. This mission has known many missionaries. Some did not last long for this mission is quite different. Tunisia is an Islamic country. Christians are very few and hidden. In La Goullette, as well as in Sousse, we have parishes entrusted to us, but our parishioners are principally foreigners, more than 98% are either students coming from the rest of Africa, workers for different agencies, or tourists. There are some other ministries like the direct service to the poor through Caritas or chaplaincy
to the Christian prisoners, always foreigners. Therefore, the Tunisia mission’s ministries are parish, prison chaplaincy, coordination of the Diocesan Caritas, chaplaincy to various female religious congregations. The Tunisia Mission is one International Mission in two places, La Goullette and Sousse, with two missionaries in each. There is one canonical house with a single superior.