Roma, 4 April 2018

Dear Visitors and International Leaders of the Vincentian Family,


May the grace and peace of the Risen Lord be always will you!

The Globalization of Charity is an effort which touches all our of hearts as we work to incarnate the Vincentian charism through the countless efforts of the members of our institutes. One effective strategy is through the sharing of our ideas, our stories, which enables us to change the face of poverty in a visual way -through the arts, music, and film.-

Finding Vince 400 is designed to provide the Vincentian Family with an international platform through which we will engage these medium in our efforts to eradicate poverty. Through the platform of this festival, we wish to tap the creativity of artists around the world, and especially within the Vincentian Family, on multiple levels:

a) Through Seeds of Hope, whereby we invite youth (18 years old and younger) to submit any form of art – drawings, sculpture, pictures, music, poetry, stories, etc. which touch upon the reality of poverty today;

b) Through the submission of scripts: where FIVE screenwriters will be awarded a trip to Rome and a grant to produce their screenplay for a short film; and

c) Through the submission of short or feature films which illuminate the realities faced by those in poverty and which champion creative solutions to these issues.

Detailed information can be found on the Finding Vince 400 website:

We ask you, please: get the word out to your constituencies. Though this has been announced for some time now, we fear that our Vincentian Family bases are not yet aware that it is taking place.

Please share this information with the members of your branches and all the collaborators with whom you share ministry: parishes, schools, colleges, universities, youth groups, and any others who may be interested in participating. We want to make sure that the Vincentian Family around the world has heard about the Festival and knows it is invited to participate.

Of special note for the Vincentian Family only: the deadline for the submission of Seeds of Hope or Films in now the end of August. They can be sent directly to:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write to the Vincentian Family Office at vfo@famvin.or

Wishing you continued blessings this Easter Season.

Your brother in Saint Vincent,

Tomaž Mavrič, CM

Superior General

Other inputs of the Film Festival 

The letter in another languages





