Bibliografía Vicenciana

Vincentian Bibliography


80th Romo-Romo CM Di Indonesia

(80 Years of the Vincentian Fathers in Indonesia)

Dicetak oleh Percetakam DIOMA, 268 pages

The 80th. Romo-Romo CM di Indonesia is a book dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the first Vincentian missionaries in Indonesia. The first Vincentian missionaries were from the Dutch Province. They were called by Propaganda Fide to do the mission in the Eastern part of Java Island (1923), precisely in Surabaya Diocese. The book consists of three parts: 1) the kaleidoscope of the Vincentian apostolates; 2) the panorama of the missionary activities of the Vincentians; and 3) the album of photos of the Vincentian priests and bishops (foreign missionaries and Indonesians). The book shows some touching experiences of the first Vincentian missionaries especially in starting missionary apostolates in the villages inside parts of Eastern Java: their difficulties, sufferings, failures, hopes. The sufferings during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia were well shared in the letters and stories written by the missionaries themselves. The book does not offer merely the marvelous achievements in the apostolates, such as the increasing number of conversions in the diocese (in the beginning there were only 40 native Catholics, now there are more than 300,000 Catholics), but also depicts some pains and failures that happened in their mission. Hopefully, by reading it, people may cultivate a missionary spirit like that of the first Vincentians. The concluding part of the kaleidoscope puts forward the future of the Vincentian mission in Indonesia. The CM province of Indonesia, created in 1958, is now a province which sends out missionaries.


Quem foram, o que fizeram, esses missionários…

(Who the missionaries were and what they did…)

Gráfica Vicentina Editora Ltda. EPP, Curitiba, Brazil, 2003, 266 pages

The Vincentians of the Curitiba Province are celebrating the first centenary of the arrival of the Polish confreres in Southern Brasil (Paraná), at the invitation of the first bishop of Curitiba, José de Camargo Barros, to care for the Polish immigrants in Paraná. In 1820 the Portuguese confreres had already come to Brazil; the French came later. The bishops entrusted the care of various diocesan seminaries to the Vincentians. In 1896 they were asked to direct the Seminary of Paraná in Curitiba. They remained there until 1961. Fr. Biernaski relates the biographies of 96 missionaries who helped forge the history of the Province of Curitiba. The first four were: Tomás Coelho, Francis Chylaszek, Hugo Dylla and Br. Alexandre Wengrzyn. Later on more missionaries came and they had, over the years, the care of some 20 parishes. To preserve the memory of so many missionaries, Fr. Biernaski, the first Brazilian priest of the Curitiba Province, describes in 266 pages the lives of these confreres who, like Abraham, left their homeland without knowing what awaited them, but trusting fully in the One who called them. (Taken from the preface written by Msgr. Pedro Fedalto, Archbishop of Curitiba).


Carisma vicentino en Moçambique. Memória e testimonio

(The Vincentian Charism in Mozambique: Memorial and Testimony)

Escola Tipográfica das Missões - Cucujães, 2003, 560 pages

The purpose of this book is to remember the many spiritual sons and daughters of St. Vincent who dedicated themselves to the mission and to charity in Mozambique. It seeks to offer to the new generations in formation and to the new missionaries who come from other countries and cultures trustworthy and useful historical references, which link the past and the present and help shape appropriate responses for the future. This book also wishes to give testimony, through the words and actions of many confreres and sisters, of how the Mozambican land and people are a privileged place for the living out of the Vincentian charism.” (Taken from the back cover of the book).


Čas nam prinaša nove naloge. Lazaristi v Sloveniji 1852-2002

(New Times Bring New Challenges: Lazarists in Slovenia 1852-2002)

Zbornik, Sv. Jožef nad Celjem, 2003, 384 pages

In September of 2002 the Slovenian province of the CM celebrated 150 years of the arrival of the Vincentians in Slovenia. In 1852 Msgr. Anton Martin Slomsek, Bishop of Lavant (today Maribor) installed three Slovenian priests, who came from the Internal Seminary in Paris, in St. Joseph of Celje. This book brings together the presentations given in a symposium organized to celebrate this notable jubilee. Prepared by 17 confreres from the province together with outside collaborators, the presentations evaluate the past and present apostolates of the Province: popular missions, the preaching of retreats, work with the Vincentian Family, social commitment and their presence in the diaspora (Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo), as well as their work with Slovenian immigrants in Argentina and Canada, etc. The book is amply documented with photographs and presents the basic lines of the Vincentian presence in Slovenia from 1852 up to our own time.


1853-2003. 150 Jahre - Deutsche Provinz, 66 pages

On the occasion of the jubilee celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Province of Germany (1853-2003), a memorial booklet of its history has been published in German. In 66 pages, with beautiful black and white photos, it recalls briefly, among other things, the history, and some personalities, houses and works of the province. The booklet also contains the program of celebrations of which the principal events were held in Trier on 19 and 20 July.


Storia dei Missionari Vincenziani nell'Italia Meridionale

Dall'arrivo a Napoli (1668) al Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II (1962)

(The History of the Vincentian Missionaries in Southern Italy)

From the Arrival in Naples (1668) until the II Vatican Council (1962)

CLV - Edizione Vincenziane, Rome, Italy, 2003, 385 pages

“Life is richer than ideas.” This phrase, feely translated from Erasmus, spontaneously came into my head when I read the manuscript of this volume of the history of the Naples Province. It is not a conventional history based on documents of foundation and lists of houses and worthy confreres. The authors of this history “start from the timid first steps, but allow the decided missionary direction to shine through. While in France the provinces must be understood by taking into account the seminaries and the parishes entrusted to them by the king, in Italy, the only reason for the confreres' presence was the missions and the activity on behalf of the clergy.” “The present writer is familiar with the archives the authors worked from, and therefore can testify that this work is well documented. There is a rich bibliography. The appendixes offer many more recent notes. It is a valuable book.” (Taken from the presentation, written by L. Mezzadri).


Hacer efectivo el Evangelio y mundo actual

XXVII Semana de Estudios Vicencianos

(To Make the Gospel Effective and the Modern World)

XXVII Week of Vincentian Studies

CEME, Salamanca, Spain, 2002, 438 pages

The book brings together the different presentations and seminars which took place during the XXVII Week of Vincentian Studies organized by the Salamanca Province of the C.M. Counting this one, there are now 44 volumes in CEME's Evangelizare Collection. All the presentations, centering on St. Vincent's well known and much discussed phrase: `To make the gospel effective,' are interesting. Depending upon who each author is, each clearly wishes to make us understand what St. Vincent meant when he pronounced that famous phrase, and even more so when the phrase is taken from its original historical context. The work is preceded by an historical reflection on the Salamanca Vincentian Weeks which Fr. José Manuel Sanchez Mallo divides into four phases; there are also nine conclusions to which the development of these same weeks has led. We must recognize the great good and the great interest these weeks have awakened in so many confreres.” (Taken from Anales de la Congregación de la Misión y de las Hijas de la Caridad, No.1, January-February 2003, p. 96).


Dizionario Storico Spirituale Vincenziano

(Historical Spiritual Vincentian Dictionary)

CLV-Edizioni Vincenziane

Rome, Italy, 2003, 484 pages

“A dictionary is a tool for navigation. Like a compass which shows us where we are going, this Dictionary gives us the coordinates of our point of departure, but also indicates the progress of our journey in space and time. I do not think a dictionary should tell us only what things St. Vincent did or said. The significance of the dictionary, then, is not that of being a fixed star immersed in the past, but rather a bridge which joins us to the flow of history and projects us into the future. The Dictionary has not limited itself, therefore, to referring to St. Vincent's thoughts on basic themes and characteristics. It also strives to communicate a sense of forward movement, and to help people to feel themselves as protagonists in an ongoing adventure.” (Taken from the Author's Introduction).


The Vincentian Translation Project team is pleased to announce that Volume 13, Documents, of Vincent de Paul: Correspondence, Conferences, Documents is available, and that it is in two volumes, 13A and 13B. In these are found documents classified in five parts: I. “Documents pertaining to St. Vincent,” II. “Documents pertaining to the Congregation of the Mission,” III. “Documents Pertaining to the Confraternities of Charity,” IV. “Documents Pertaining to the Daughters of Charity,” and V. “Documents Pertaining to the Ladies of Charity.” For more information, please contact Sr. Marie Poole:


Collection. Asociación de la Medalla Milagrosa. Una nueva imagen para un nuevo milenio. Editorial La Milagrosa, Madrid, Spain, 2002, 247 pages.

__ Il Cardinale Alberoni e il suo Collegio. Atti del convegno internazionale di studio. Arti Tep Grafiche, Piacenza, Italy, 2003, 207 pages.

Bernard, Jacques. Louise de Marillac. Éditions de Siloë, 2003.

Chierotti, Luigi, C.M. Suor Rosalia Rendu (1786-1856). La mamma dei poveri. II Edizione. Cooperazione Vincenziana, Genova, Italy, 2003, 103 pages.

__ P. Alfonso Maria Ratisbonne (1814-1884). L'ebreo convertito da Maria. III Edizione, Cooperazione Vincenziana, Genova, Italy, 2001, 44 pages.

__ La schiavitù di S. Vincenzo de Paoli a Tunisi (1605-1607). “Pro Manuscripto.” Cooperazione Vincenziana, Genova, Italy, 2001. 45 pages.

Congrégation de la Mission. Province de Madagascar. Session Vincentienne Sur les Funérailles. Scolasticat Saint Vincent de Paul Tanantsoa (1-6 July 2003), 55 pages.

Dinnat, Claude. Sœur Rosalie Rendu ou L'Amour à l'œuvre dans le Paris du XIXe siècle. Preface by Fr. Joseph Choné, Promoter of the Cause of the Saints. L'Harmattan, 2001. 228 pages.

Elisabetta Anna Bayley Seton. Il viaggio in Italia. Lettere e Diari. Translation by Pietro Bindelli. Editasca, Leghorn, Italy, 2003. 94 pages.

Jachimczak, Józef, C.M. Święty Wincenty a Paulo w posługiwaniu ubogim dzisiaj… (St. Vincent de Paul and the Service of the Poor Today). This book gives a description of some of the principal brances of the Vincentian Family present in Poland). Wydawnictwo Instytut Teologiczny Księży Misjonarzy - Kraków (Published by: Theological Institute of the Priests of the Mission), Warsaw, Poland, 2001, 256 pages.

Marmilicz, André, C.M. O Ambiente Educativo nos Seminarios Mayores do Brasil. Teoria e Prática. Vicentina Gráfica Editora, Curitiba, Brazil, 2003, 388 pages.

Mezzadri, Luigi, C.M. Vinzenz von Paul. Leidenschaft für die Armen (Vincent de Paul. The Passion for the Poor). Translated from the French by M. H. Heinzen and A. Richartz), Verlagsgemeinschaft Topos plus, Mainz, Germany, 2003, 94 pages.

Nuovo, Luigi, C.M. - Castrica, Maddalena, D.C. Dalla parte dei poveri. Suor Rosalia Rendu, Figlia della Carità (1786-1856). CLV-Edizioni Vincenziane, Rome, Italy 2003, 82 pages.

Palú, Lauro, C.M. Don Antônio Ferriera Viçoso, C.M. Vicentina Gráfica Editora, Curitiba, Brazil, 2003, 23 pages.

Pérez Flores, Miguel, C.M. El Superior local de la Congregación de la Misión. (Posthumous work). CEME, Salamanca, Spain, 2003, 165 pages.

Province of Holland. Lazaristen 100 jaar in Panningen. Hoe de Lazaristen “Onze paters” Werden. DTP Graphic Products, Panningen, Netherlands, 128 pages.

Richartz, Alfonsa Magdalena, D.C. Vinzenz von Paul. Stationen und Wege (Vincent de Paul. Stations and pathways). Johannes-Verlag Leutesdorf, Koblenz, Germany, 2002, 117 pages.

Rodríguez Bariáin José, C.M. Experiencia del Pueblo de Dios en la Palabra del domingo. Ediciones Pictorama, Murcia, Spain, 2002, 189 pages.

San Vincenzo de' Paoli. Opere. 2. Corrispondenza 1640-1646 (luglio). C.L.V. - Edizioni Vincenziane, Rome, Italy, 2002, 561 pages.

Suor Giuseppina Nicoli, Figlia della Caritá. Scritti spirituali. Istruzioni alle seminariste. Quaderni XVIII-XX. Transcription of the texts and note by Erminio Antonello. CLV - Edizioni Vincenziane, Rome, Italy, 2001, 317 pages.

Articles from Provincial Bulletins and Magazines

Anales de la Congregación de la Misión y de las Hijas de la Caridad - Spain No. 4, July-August 2003: “La celebración de la Eucaristía en la creación de la comunidad nueva,” by L. Vela; “Los reglamentos de misiones de la C.M.,” by M. Olabuénaga; “Qué es la AIC”, by J. L. Cortázar. No. 3, May-June 2003: “Misiones populares y Congregación de la Misión,” by M. Olabuénaga. No. 2, March-April 2003: “Misiones en Filipinas,” by A. Herrera; “Sacudida en Nápoles, 1848-1862,” by L. Huerga; “Rasgos básicos de las misiones populares vicencianas,” by M. Olabuénaga. No. 1, January-February 2003: “La vocación-misión de los hermanos coadjutores: Su identidad vicenciana a inicios del siglo XXI,” by J. Ruíz; “Huc” (Régis-Évariste Huc), by L. Huerga; “Una fuente histórica desconocida: Los ‛Libros de Misiones' (en España),” by M. Olabuénaga.

Animation Vincentienne. France, Cahier 85: “Rencontre avec les musulmans.”

Annali della Carità. Bimestrale dei Gruppi di Volontariato Vincenziano - AIC/Italy May-June 2003: “La Parola di Dio in San Vincenzo,” by A. Fanulli. March-April 2003: “La pace,” by G. Passerini; “La formazione: Elemento (ri) fondante dell'Associazione,” by G. Oteri.

Avance Vicentino. Boletín de noticias - Misioneros Vicentinos de Colombia Year 46, No. 287, January-March 2003: “Misión en Papúa Nueva Guinea,” by H. Marín. Year 45, No. 285, January-March 2002: “Itinerario de la Casa Provincial,” by J. Escobar; “Rasguñando nuestra historia,” by A. L. Galindo; “La teología de la vocación,” by Á. Panqueva.

Boletín Informativo - PP. Paúles, Provincia de Madrid No. 266, January-May 2003: “Cómo situarnos hoy en la pastoral juvenil y vocacional,” by D. J. Pla.

Boletín Provincial - PP. Paúles Venezuela No. 173, April-June 2003: “El Crimen del Padre Amaro: ¿Denuncia a la Iglesia, o llover sobre mojado?,” by P. R. Ramos; “Quien vive para servir sirve para vivir (Bases eclesiológicas del servicio de autoridad,” by A. G. L.

Bulletin des Lazaristes de France, No. 184 (October 2002): “Bibliographie vincentienne,” by B. Koch. No. 185 (January 2003): “Saint Vincent et le Rosaire,” by B. Koch.

Carità e Missione - Italia Year III, No. 1 - 2003: “Mons Antônio Ferriera Viçoso, C.M. (1787-1875),” by L. Palú; “La santità dei laici e Federico Ozanam,” by C. Guasco; “Il Beato Marcantonio Durando. Un testimone umile e appassionato del Vangelo,” by L. Nuovo; “Il beato Luigi Giuseppe François. Maestro e testimone,” by L. Nuovo; “Nuovi documenti su San Giovanni Gabriele Perboyre,” by L. Mezzadri; “José María Román Fuentes,” by L. Mezzadri. Year II, No. 2 - 2002): “L'immagine di San Vincenzo tra carisma e istituzione,” by L. Mezzadri; “Chiamati alla santità”, by R. D'Amico; “Il beato Marcantonio Durando e il suo tempo (1801-1880), by G. Tuninetti.

China Sparks. Vincentian Reflections on the Church in China. June 2003: “Dancing in Tight Shoes. The Vincentian Vicariates in China (1840-1911),” by J. Loftus; “On Teaching at a Seminary in Mainland China,” an interview with Charles Pan, C.M.

CLAPVI. Conferencia Latinoamericana de Provincias Vicentinas. Year XXIX, No. 114 (May-August 2003): “III Encuentro de misioneros jóvenes” (collection); “Evangelizar ese pobre que soy yo,” by L. Vela; “La Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en América Latina,” by L. J. Rojas. Year XXIX, No. 113 (January-February 2003): “Evangelizar a los pobres,” by L. Vela; “A identidade da Familia Vicentina,” by S. Valenga; “Cualidades del pastor vicentino,” by Á. Quevedo; “El pensamiento social de la Iglesia latinoamericana” (1st part), by L. J. Rojas; and “2003: Año del Rosario,” by E. Melchor.

Colloque - Journal of the Irish Province of the Congregation of the Mission (Ireland). Spring 2003, No. 47: “Vocations and Humanae Vitae,” by A. McGing; “Folleville Revisited: Reflections on Vincentian Apostolic Works,” by K. Rafferty. Winter 2002, No. 46: “Marcantonio Durando CM (1801- 1880),” by T. Davitt.

Comunicare - Bolletino Provinciale, Rome, Italy September 2003, Year 2, No. 2: “Una ricorrenza storica: Ottanta anni fa i primi Vincenziani in Indonesia,” collection.

Cooperazione Vincenziana - Italy No. 104, October-December 2003: Suor Rosalia Rendu presto “Beata,” by L. Chierotti. No. 101, January-March 2003: “Ora il P. Durando è `Beato.' Che cosa è cambiato?,” by L. Chierotti.

Echoes of the Company - Daughters of Charity Nos. 7-8, July-August 2003: “General Assembly.” No. 5, May 2003: “Five Faces of Rosalie Rendu,” by R. P. Maloney. No. 4, April 2003: “Community life: witness and support for the mission,” by J. Neo. No. 2-3, February-March 2003: “`Mission' according to Saint Vincent de Paul. Fundamental concepts,” by A. Orcajo; “What is at stake for the Daughter of Charity in mission,” by P. Lawlor; “Mission in situations of violence and extreme poverty,” by W. Kisu; “Vincentain mission in the local Church,” by F. Quintano; “Priests and Brothers of the Congregation of the Mission, Daughters of Charity and lay Vincentian people: an asset for the mission,” by B. Romo.

Evangelizar - Boletín provincial, Peru March-April 2003 - No. 2: “III Encuentro de Promotores Vocacionales - Miraflores, 05 de abril de 2003,” by P. Chuno.

Informazione Vincenziana - Italy October 2003: “9 novembre 2003: Beatificazione di Suor Rosalia Rendu (1786-1856), by G. Guerra; “Il Processo di Beatificazione e il miracolo,” by R. D'Amico; “Sr Rosalia Rendu: la contemplazione che si fa servizio,” by R. D'Amico; “Jean-Léon Le Prevost (1803-1874) nell'anno del bicentenario della sua nascita,” by L. Galbiati. June-July 2003: “Il Beato Marcantonio Durando proclamato secondo Patrono della Diocesi di Ihosi” (Madagascar),” by A. Mombelli. April 2003: “Madagascar 20 anni dopo,” by V. Zerbinati. Diciembre 2002: “Sei beati, testimoni della missionarietá” (Chronicle of the beatification of M. Durando, of D. Okelo and J. Irwa, of A. G. Longhin, of Marie de la Passion, of L. Meneguzzi,” by the editors. October-November 2002: “Padre Durando: una passione missionaria,” by L. Galbiati.

Informatie Kleine Compagnie - Holland July 2003: “100 jaar Lazaristen in Panningen.”

Iprosul - Province of Curitiba January-March 2003: “São Vicente e a Bíblia,” by J. C. Fonsatti. July-September 2002: “Marcantônio Durando, CM, Bem-aventurado (1801-1880),” by P. Beltrando.

Les Cahiers Ozanam, No. 260 - 2/2003: “La charité: un sens obligatoire?,” by J. Cheville.

L'Osservatore Romano (Italian edition). 20.X.2002 (with regard to the beatification of Marcantonio Durando): “Santità e missione nell'Anno del Rosario.” Supplement of 20.X.2002: “Giovanni Paolo II proclama sei nuovi beati.” 4.XII.2002: “Padre Marcantonio Durando e la Chiesa di Torino.”

MEGVIS 2003. „Zu den Anfängen“ (47/2003): „Die Gründung der Kongregaions der Mission ‚Vinzentiner' in Frankreich und Deutschland,“ by A. Richartz; „150 Jahre Osterreichische Lazaristen Provinz,“ by E. Shindler; „Zur Seligsprechung von Pater Marcantonio Durando CM,“ by A. Jernej.

Meteor. Kwartalnik Kleryków Zgromadzenia Misji (3-4/2002) (Bulletin of the CM Students published three times a year (Poland): “Błogosławiony Marcantonio Durando, kapłan i misjonarz św. Wincentego a Paulo” (Blessed Marcantonio Durando, missionary priest of St. Vincent de Paul), by Ł. Olszewski.

Oceania Vincentian. Congregation of the Mission, Australia-Fiji September 2002, Vol. 3: “Many Strokes of the Lash: André Duval,” by T. Williams; “Nurturing Conscience in the Vincentian Way,” by G. Cooney.

Speak … On the Side of the Poor - Nigeria January-December 2002, Vol. I, No. 2: “Charity in our world today.”

Vincentian Chair of Social Justice - USA Vol. 6: 2000-2001 Presentations. Restoring Justice in the 21st Century. The various articles are classified in four parts: “Vincentian Chair of Social Justice,” “Jubilee Debt Forgiveness,” “Catholic Social Thought in the University,” and “Living Justice: Pathways from Poverty and Commitment to the Common God.” The “Vincentian Center for Church and Society and the Vincentian Chair of Social Justice” used the year 2000-2001 “to explore the central message of the Jubilee, described by Pope John Paul II as the time for “restoring social justice.”

Vincentian Heritage - USA Vol. 21, No. 2: “Elizabeth Ann Seton: Model of Contemplative Presence for the 21st Century,” by J. Flannelly; “Saint Louise de Marillac: Woman of Substance, Woman of God,” by G. Foley; “In the Face of Adversity”: The Response of the Vincentian and Charity Families to 9/11,” by R. Bechtle. Vol. 20, No. 2: “Pierre Coste and Catherine Labouré: The Conflict of Historical Criticism and Popular Devotion,” by S. Poole; “Understanding Hearts - Elizabeth Seton and Louise de Marillac,” by B. A. McNeil.

Vinzentinische Nachrichten - Germany (Editor: J. A. Herget). Year 28, No. 88: “Christentum und Islam. Zwei Welten im Widerspruch.” Year 27, No. 87: “Marco Antonio Durando CM. Neuer Seliger der Lazaristen.”

General Bibliography

Ciccone, Lino. Bioetica. Storia, princìpi, questioni. Edizioni Ares, Milan, Italy, 2003, 404 pages.

López Honorio, Alfonso. El Cielo es libre (¡y subversivo!). Catholic brochures Mission XXI. Ediciones Misión XXI, Mexico, 2003, 78 pages.

Motto, Andrés. La Cuestión Social y la Enseñanza de la Iglesia. Un aporte a la esperanza. Editorial GRAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2003, 253 pages.

Noè, Virgilio (Cardinal). I Santi Fondatori nella Basilica Vaticana (on the cover: profile of St. Vincent de Paul), Franco Cosimo Panini Editore, Modena, Italy, 1996, 515 pages.


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