Vincentiana 1995-2003 (Français)

صفحہ اول پیشکس کی تنظیمات



How to find information in the Vincentiana 1995-2003 (Français) collection

There are 4 ways to find information in this collection:


مسودہ کو کیسے پڑھیں

You can tell when you have arrived at an individual book or document because its title, or an image of the front cover, appears at the top left of the page. In some collections, a table of contents appears, while in others (eg. when the paged image option is used) just the page number is shown, along with a box that allows you to select a new page and go forward and backward. In the table of contents, the current section heading is in bold face, and the table is expandable -- click on the folders to open or close them; click on the open book at the top to close it.

Underneath is the text of the current section. When you have read through it, there are arrows at the bottom to take you on to the next section or back to the previous one.

Below the title or front-cover image are some buttons. Click on متن کو پھیلائیں to expand out the whole text of the current section, or book. If the document is large, this could take a long time and use a lot of memory! Click on مندرجات کو پھیلائیں to expand out the whole table of contents so that you can see the titles of all chapters and subsections. Click on الگ کریں to make a new browser window for this document. (This is useful if you want to compare documents, or read two at once.) Finally, when you do a search the words you search for are highlighted. Click on اجاگر نہ کریں to remove highlighting.

کتب خانہ کے اس شعبہ کو کھولیں اور مندرجات ملاحظہ فرمائیںاس کتابوں کی الماری کو کھولو
اس مسودہ کو کھولیں اور مندرجات ملاحظہ فرماءیںاس کتاب کو بند کریںاس کتاب کو کھولیں /بند کریں
View the documentمتن کا یہ حصہ ملاحظہ کریں
پچھلے حصہ تکاگلے حصے تکاگلے / پچھلے حصہ پر جائیں
Display all text, or not
Expand table of contents, or not
اس مسل کوایک نۓ دریچے میں کھولو
Highlight search terms, or not


کسی خاص لفظ کو کیسے تلاش کیا جاتا ہے

From the search page, you make a query in these simple steps:

  1. Specify what items you want to search
  2. Say whether you want to search for all or just some of the words
  3. Type in the words you want to search for
  4. Click the Begin Search button

When you make a query, the titles of twenty matching documents will be shown. There is a button at the end to take you on to the next twenty documents. From there you will find buttons to take you on to the third twenty or back to the first twenty, and so on. Click the title of any document, or the little button beside it, to see it.

A maximum of 50 is imposed on the number of documents returned. You can change this number by clicking the پیشکس کی تنظیمات button at the top of the page.


تلاش کی اصطلاحات

Whatever you type into the query box is interpreted as a list of words or phrases called "search terms." A term is a single word containing only letters and digits, or a phrase consisting of a sequence of words enclosed in double quotes ("..."). Terms are separated by white spaces. If any other characters such as punctuation appear, they serve to separate terms just as though they were spaces. And then they are ignored. You can't search for words that include punctuation.

For example, the query

will be treated the same as


تلاش کی قسم

There are two different kinds of query.

Use as many search terms as you like--a whole sentence, or even a whole paragraph. If you specify only one term, documents will be ordered by its frequency of occurrence.


تلاش کا دائرہ کار

زیادہ تر مجموعہ جات میں آپ تلاش کے لیے مختلف اشاریہ جات استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر' اشاریہ مصنف'اشاریہ عنوان یا مختلف ابواب اور فقروں کے اشاریہ جات ہو سکتے ہیں۔ عموما آپ کسی بھی اشاریہ سے تلاش کریں تو آپ کو مکمل اور ملتا جلتا مسودہ ہی ملتا ہےأٌٌٌٌٍّّّٔ

اگر مزکورہ مسودہ کتابیں ہیں تو وہ مختص شدہ جگہ پر ہی کھولی جا سکتی ہیں۔


پیچیدہ تلاش بذریعہ MG سرچ انجن

If you have selected advanced query mode (in preferences) you have slightly different search options.

نوٹ: اگر آپ سادہ تلاش کو استعمال کریں تو یہ تمام operator نظر انداز ہو جائیں گے


اپنی تنظیمات میں تبدیلی

When you click the پیشکس کی تنظیمات button at the top of the page you will be able to change some features of the interface to suit your own requirements.


مجموعہ کی تنظیمات

کچھ مجموعہ جات ذیلی مجموعہ پر مشتمل ہیں اور ان میں علیحدہ علیحدہ یا مجموعی طور پر تلاش کی جا سکتی ہے۔اور ایسا کرنے کے لیے آپ صفحہ تنظیمات سے ان ذیلی مجموعہ جات کو اپنی تلاش میں شامل کر سکتے ہیں


لسانی تنظیمات

Each collection has a default presentation language, but you can switch to a different language if you like. You can also alter the encoding scheme used by Greenstone for output to the browser -- the software chooses sensible defaults, but with some browsers it may be necessary to switch to a different encoding scheme to ensure correct character display. All collections allow you to switch from the standard graphical interface format to a textual one. This is particularly useful for visually impaired users who use large screen fonts or speech synthesizers for output.


Presentation preferences

Depending on the particular collection, there may be several options you can set that control the presentation.

Collections of Web pages allow you to suppress the Greenstone navigation bar at the top of each document page, so that once you have done a search you land at the exact Web page that matches without any Greenstone header. To do another search you will have to use your browser's "back" button. These collections also allow you to suppress Greenstone's warning message when you click a link that takes you out of the digital library collection and on to the Web itself. And in some Web collections you can control whether the links on the search results page take you straight to the actual URL in question, rather than to the digital library's copy of the page.


تلاش کی تنظیمات

You can switch to an "advanced" query mode which allows you to combine terms using & (for "and"), | (for "or"), and ! (for "not"), using parentheses for grouping if desired. This allows you to specify more precise queries.

It is possible to get a large query box, so that you can easily do paragraph-sized searching. It is surprisingly quick to search for large amounts of text.

A pair of buttons controls whether upper and lower case must match when searching. For example, if "بڑے / چھوٹے حروف تہجی کے فرق کو نظر انداز کریں" is selected, snail farming will be treated the same as Snail Farming and SNAIL FARMING.

A pair of buttons controls whether to ignore word endings or not when searching. For example, if "ignore word endings" is selected, snail farming will be treated the same as snails farm and snail farmer. This currently only works properly for English language text.

You can turn on the search history feature, which shows you your last few queries. This makes it easy to repeat slightly modified versions of previous queries.

Finally, you can control the number of hits returned, and the number presented on each screenful.