

Vincent De Paul

Correspondence, Conferences, Documents

volume 5

published by New City Press, 1995 (651 pages)

This book is the English translation of the letters of St. Vincent from August 1653 to June 1656. It is edited by Sisters Marie Poole, Julia Denton, and Elinor Hartman, D.C.

It can be ordered from: Vincentian Translation Project - St. Joseph's Provincial House - 333 South Seton Avenue - Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727-9297 - USA.

Betty Ann McNeil, D.C.

Monograph 1.

The Vincentian Family Tree

published by the "Vincentian Studies Institute," 1995 (250 pages)

This book presents a genealogical study of the various communities throughout the world which are linked to St. Vincent de Paul. It gives a list of 268 lay associations, institutes of consecrated life, societies of apostolic life, and non-Catholic institutes in 40 countries which have an historical or spiritual tie with St. Vincent de Paul.

It can be ordered from: De Paul University Bookstore - Vincentian Heritage Department - 25 East Jackson Blvd. - Chicago, Illinois 60604 - USA. Tel 312-362-8792.

Benito Martínez, C.M.

Las cuatro cumplieron su misión

Ediciones Fe y Vida, 1994 (64 pages)

This is a short presentation on four of the first Daughters of Charity: Marguerite Naseau, Marie Joly, Barbe Angiboust, and Henriette Gesseaume. It is intended for young people in parishes and Vincentian centers. The author wished to show how these young women of the 17th century responded to the call of God by following Jesus Christ in the service of the poor.

It can be ordered from: Asociación Feyda - Avda Sagunto 9, 1_ A - 44002 Teruel, Spain.

Luigi Mezzadri, C.M.

Con San Vincenzo ai piedi della santa montagna

Le Beatitudini

C.L.V. - Edizioni Vincenziane, 1995 (159 pages)

Climbing to the top of a mountain is never an easy undertaking, nor one without risk. A guide is always very useful: he reduces the strain, points out the paths which are sure and trodden and helps avoid the temptation to abandon the climb.

The pages of this book provide a sure guide toward the summit of the Beatitudes, a focus of every Christian life.

The meditations are developed on a gospel basis, interpreted in the light of the life of St. Vincent and some of his contemporaries.

It can be ordered from: C.L.V. Edizioni Vincenziane - Via Pompeo Magno, 21 - 00192 Roma - Italy.

Jean-François Gaziello, C.M. and Luigi Mezzadri, C.M.

Vieni e seguimi

In ritiro con S. Vincenzo

C.L.V. - Edizioni Vincenziane, 1995 (159 pages)

"A man filled with fire," is the way St. Vincent described Fr. Le Vacher, who died a martyr for Christ. "Our soul must... glorify God" St. Vincent says in another place.

We are sent to respond to the cry of the poor, to extend the presence of Christ in our time and in our world. There really is a need for men "filled with fire."

These pages, which place us listening to Christ and St. Vincent and at their school, nourish our meditations and our moments of solitude in view of the ardor which the Vincentian vocation requires.

It can be ordered from: C.L.V. Edizioni Vincenziane - Via Pompeo Magno, 21 - 00192 Roma - Italy.

Elisabeth Charpy

Spiritualité de Louise de Marillac

Itinéraire d'une femme

Desclée de Brouwer, 1995 (120 pages)

For the first time, the spiritual journey of Louise de Marillac is presented with its searchings, its doubts, its convictions. Francis de Sales, Bérulle, Vincent de Paul were her mentors. Her anthropology is anchored in the mystery of Christ as Redeemer and testifies to the deep unity realized among her prayer, her theological culture, and her commitment.

With persevering tenacity and reflective boldness, Louise de Marillac leads the Daughters of Charity along very new paths in order to respond to the needs of the poor of her time. She expresses with vigor that the goal of love supposes respect for every person, in particular the lowly and the poor, and that loving in truth implies a person to person relationship. With Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac aroused in the Church a renewal of faith and dynamism.

It can be ordered from: La Procure - Maison Mère - 95 rue de Sèvres - 75006 Paris - France.

Giuseppe Menichelli, C.M.

"Li avete sempre con voi"

I poveri come sfida permanente alla chiesa e alla società

Published by the Società de San Vincenzo de' Paoli

Via della Pigna, 13/a - Roma

This small 64 page booklet proposes a program of reflection to the members of Vincentian Associations.

Copyright 2009 Congregation of the Mission