

Via dei Capasso, 30

00164 Roma


on the work and decisions of SIEV

The confrere members of SIEV, Frs. Jean-Yves Ducorneau, John Prager, Kazimierz Stelmach, Julio Olcoz Suescun, Roberto Lovera, executive secretary, and José María Nieto, delegate from the Curia, held their annual meeting in Rome at the General Curia on 26 and 27 October 2000.

The Statutes of SIEV, which were revised at the 1999 meeting, after approbation by the Superior General and his council, were published in Vincentiana n. 2/2000, pp. 142ff. Thus, all confreres are able to know clearly the reality and finality of SIEV.

The organization of the Vincentian Month 2001 for the Directors of the Daughters of Charity is well underway. In January 2001, the program was sent to all the interested parties, along with the registration forms for participation.

In February 2001, the Commission charged with preparing the Vincentian Month 2002 for the advisors of Vincentian groups held its first planning meeting in Paris.

In France, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the priestly ordination of St. Vincent, two “colloques” were organized: the first in Périgueux, initiated by the diocese and the second in Paris, at the Motherhouse, initiated by GRAV. The participation in both was good, even if the presence of the laity in Paris was small.

SIEV intends to continue seeking contacts for promoting, little by little, a style of collaboration and information with all the Vincentian studies organisms present in the various regions of the world in order not to duplicate similar initiatives, but to collaborate as far as possible in projects that each organism plans. Up until now, however, communication has met with delays and difficulties.

SIEV intends to furnish periodically useful materials for the formation of formators and what would help in the formation of the young on the web site of the Vincentian Family. Those responsible for the site will take care of posting these materials on the electronic page so that they will be available to everyone. They will do this as soon as possible according to their work schedule.

The study project on the figure of Perboyre on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth (2002) drew a fair amount of support. After careful examination, the project has been outlined according to the following areas: the person of the saint, the period of activity in France, the mission in China, the canonical process. The studies will address, in particular, the aspects which up until now were neglected or presented without a solid historical basis. These will not exceed 10-12 pages and will be collected in a popular, but seriously founded, type of publication for the confreres.

The organization of the studies on Perboyre brought out the serious problem of access to sources not yet published in books or magazines. An organization coordinating the principal archives of the Congregation, beginning with those of Paris and the General Curia, would be needed. The organization of the archives should, consequently, allow researchers in all parts of the world to know, possibly by computer, the material that is available. This is a problem of considerable proportions which SIEV is not up to facing alone.

Three fields of labor to plan for and develop in the near future were identified:

  1. The study of the social doctrine of the Church with reference to the principles present in the teaching and work of St. Vincent. It could be very useful to offer the results of such a study on the web site for the formation of the confreres.

  1. Finding out which magazines, particularly of a character of scientific study and of formation, are published in the area of the Vincentian Family in such a way as to make all the confreres aware of this richness.

  1. Encouraging and helping the various provinces in collecting documents and compiling their own histories. It would be very important to identify the concrete ways for performing this service and the persons available and capable of doing it.

The importance of prioritizing the various projects and initiatives which are proposed was pointed out so as to focus efforts for the success of that which will be most useful for the Congregation.

The next annual meeting of SIEV is scheduled for September 2001 in Paris.

Copyright 2009 Congregation of the Mission