by Communication Cont | Oct 17, 2023 | CIF, CIF Articles, CIF Noticias, Noticias
Queridos hermanos y hermanas de la Familia Vicentina y del Movimiento Vicentino: ¡Qué la gracia de Nuestro Señor esté siempre con ustedes! Como todos los años, les escribo para comunicarles cuáles serán los distintos Encuentros del CIF del año próximo. Para que...
by Communication Cont | Jan 18, 2023 | CIF Articles, Familia Vicentina, Noticias
Andrés R. M. Motto, CM. Como París fue el centro de operaciones de San Vicente por 50 años, bien vale la pena conocerlo. En estas visitas vicentinas, también haremos alguna referencia al París cultural, en la medida que estén dentro de nuestra ruta. En todos nuestros... by CM Communications | Feb 12, 2018 | CIF Articles
Theology of Adoration Theology of Adoration 1 by John H. McKenna, C.M. Eastern Province, USA The theology of adoration is really a part of a broader question: communion and worship of the Eucharist outside its celebration. The purpose of this article is to give a... by CM Communications | Feb 12, 2018 | CIF Articles
A Vincentian Reflection on the Eucharist Presentation by Alfredo Becerra Vázquez, C.M. Editor of Vincentiana Through the initiative of Pope John Paul II, a man who had a great love for the Eucharist, we are now celebrating the Year of the Eucharist.1 There is a moral... by CM Communications | Feb 12, 2018 | CIF Articles
Eucharist, Mission and Evangelization by Andrés Motto, C.M. Province of Argentina We know that there are many people who live good lives and yet do not receive communion. This statement not only refers to non-believers and to believers who are non-Christian, but also...