Water tower at Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel Parish, Banengo Bafoussam, Cameroon
The Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel Parish community at Banengo Bafoussam, Cameroon suffers from severe water shortages. Heavy migration caused by unrest in other parts of the country brought on a large growth in population. With greater demand on public water service, shutoffs have become more frequent. The dry season presents the greatest challenge to both the priests and parishioners. The lack of water poses added burdens for completing daily activities, such as, cooking, washing, and hygiene. Buying and hauling water from the outside source is prohibitive. The water tower has addressed this challenge for the local community of Vincentian missionaries which is headed by Fr. Daniel Noel Dongmo, C.M . In fact, the whole parish partakes of the water reserves. The improved access to water has made the confreres lives more predictable and easier. They are most grateful to the VSO and its donors for funding this project of sustainable access to water.