Secretariat of the Vincentian International Studies
of the Vincentian
International Secretariat
for Vincentian Studies
SIEV (Secrétariat International des Études Vincentiennes) is the international body of the Congregation of the Mission established in response of the postulates of 1980 General Assembly by the Superior General, Fr. Richard McCullen in 1982. It’s purpose is to animate, promote and develop fundamental studies on heritage of the Vincentian Family – St. Vincent, St. Louise, their works and spirituality, history of the Companies, etc. in order to assist CM Provinces, group of Provinces and various branches of the Vincentian Family in their efforts to share the charism there, where they are ministering.
In 2014 another Superior General, Fr. Gregory Gay, responding to the need to develop a renewed interest in Vincentian Studies and for the purpose of giving a new impulse to the International Secretariat for Vincentian Studies, convoked ten Missionaries from various provinces and cultural traditions and asked them to reflect together with the members of his council on the mission of SIEV in order to give a greater precision to its purpose and objectives. The Congregation of the Mission and the whole Vincentian Family understand the need to actualize and recreate the Vincentian charism in the midst of the new cultural and existential contexts of the present era. SIEV members are appointed for six year terms which can be renewed for another three years. They are formators in the Congregation of the Mission who have a special appreciation of Vincentian roots.
Current goals of SIEV
- To prepare a reflection theme for our annual meeting and then share this reflection with the provinces and the larger Vincentian Family. We hope to publish very soon the fruit of our reflection in 2015 on the theme of 400 years of mission and charity.
- To develop a resource bank that will bring together the formation material from the various language groups and internet sites, thus placing this material at the service of the provinces and the Vincentian Family.
- To establish a procedure for classifying Vincentian material that can be applied in our work to make this information available to the provinces and to the Vincentian Family.
- To take greater interest in the present archives in the Congregation and reflect upon a proposal for a work in common.
- To establish a special program to obtain Master’s degree in Vincentian Studies. To provide academic recognition of the program it will be done through the various universities that are administered by the Congregation.

The General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission,
held in Chicago in 2016,
approved the initiative of a Masters in Vincentian Studies
and gave SIEV responsibility for actualizing thisinitiative

Objective 1
Systematic deepening of one’s knowledge of the history and spirituality of the Vincentian charism, placing this knowledge in the context of history of the church and the history of Christian spirituality and understood from the perspective of contemporary theology

Objective 2
Acquire tools and begin research on the Vincentian spiritual tradition, dialogue with various cultures and teamwork

Objective 3
Engage in an updated and contextualized reading of the sources of Vincentian heritage in dialogue with theological disciplines.

Objective 4
Engage in pastoral ministry that encourages and accompanies others in service on behalf of the poor and in the missionary commitment of the Church.
Choose your Session
The Congregation of the Mission and the University of Deusto have signed a collaborative agreement in order to develop this program:
First Session (Courses 2021-2022 and 2022-2023): in Spanish;
Second Session (Courses 2022-2023 and 2023-2024): in Spanish and English;
Third Session (Courses 2023-2024 and 2024-2025): in Spanish and French.
Financial Cost
800 euros which can be paid in various amounts throughout the course of the program.
The Superior General and his Council can provide assistance to cover all or part
of the costs involved in this program.
Choose your Session
The Congregation of the Mission and the University of Deusto have signed a collaborative
agreement in order to develop this program:
First Session (Courses 2021-2022 and 2022-2023): in Spanish;
Second Session (Courses 2022-2023 and 2023-2024): in Spanish and English;
Third Session (Courses 2023-2024 and 2024-2025): in Spanish and French.
Financial Cost
800 euros which can be paid in various amounts throughout the course of the program.
The Superior General and his Council can provide assistance to cover all or part
of the costs involved in this program.