XLIII Conventus Generalis
“Revitalizing our Identity
at the beginning of the 5th Century of the CM”

Preparatory Documents
Official Documents of AG2022

Articles and formation Materials
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News about the Assembly
Chronicle of 14 July of General Assembly
Greetings! As we enter the final moments of our General Assembly, we began today by placing ourselves in God’s hands. This was a very special day: a private audience with Pope Francis. We left for the Vatican at 9:00 hours. In the gathering Hall were members of three...
Chronicle of 13 July of General Assembly
After celebrating the Eucharist in the chapel, the delegates gathered in Merry Del Val Assembly Hall at 9:30 hours. Moderator of the session: Father Patrick McDEVITT. The moderator welcomed Father Erminio ANTONELLO who joined the Assembly. He had been in quarantine in...
Chronicle of 12 July of General Assembly
Greetings to everyone! After the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by confreres from the Congo, we gathered together at 9:30 hours in the Merry Del Val Assembly Hall. The session began with the invocation of the Holy Spirit. Father Tomaž Mavrič, and Father...
Superior General

Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM
Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission
Prepatory Commission

The preparatory commission is composed of the following confreres:
Rolando GUTIÉRREZ ZUÑIGA (Vice-Province of Costa Rica), Gregorio BAÑAGA LAPUS (Coordinator, Province of the Philippines), Brother Stuardo Alberto MARROQUÍN (Province of Central America), Jaroslav JAŠŠO (Province of Slovakia), Frédéric PELLEFIGUE (Province of France), Guénolé FEUGANG (Vice-Province of Cameroon) and Thomas J. STEHLIK (Western Province of the United States).
Watch our video
Where we are
The assembly will be held C/o
Casa San Juan de Ávila
Via di Torre Rossa, 2/a, 00165 Rome RM
For more information on how to reach us click here!