Józef Noga. C.M.
Province of Slovakia
On May 9th and 10th we had the Provincial Assembly of Slovakia in the Provincial House of Bratislava, at which we all the members of our Province participated.
The program of the Assembly had two parts:
In the first part we worked on the preparation of the Final Document of our Provincial Assembly, as an answer to the demands of the Final Document of the XL General Assembly 2004. The work was developed in groups to individualize better the demands and the solutions adapted to this time.
In the second part, we held the election of the new Provincial that had as a result the re-election of Fr. Stanislav Zonták, C.M.. He was reelected for a second mandate and also his Council was elected.
We hope that the action of the Holy Spirit, guide Fr. Zonták and to his Provincial Council. May the Spirit illuminate them in the animation and guide of our Province.