Nuntia April 07

28. General Curia Arrival of the New Director of Vincentiana and Nuntia. On 19 April, Father Julio Suescun Olcoz (Province of Zaragoza), new Director of Vincentiana and Nuntia, arrived from Spain. Father Julio was born on 7 May 1935. He was incorporated into the...

Project of the Superior General Period 2006 – 2010

PROJECT OF THE SUPERIOR GENERAL WITH HIS COUNCIL PERIOD 2006 – 2010 Convictions, Objectives, and Lines of Action 27 November 2006 Introduction In order to understand this Project in its strict sense, it might be advisable to take into account its aims and...

Nuntia March 07'

22. General Curia Pastoral Itinerary of the Superior General. Father G. Gregory Gay, Superior General, had various activities this month. From 5-9 March he was in the Tempo Forte council meeting at the General Curia. On 9 March, he presided the Eucharist at the...

March 30, 2007: Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

The Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation Commission of the USG/UISG invites all member congregations to participate in a day of prayer and fasting for an end to violence and war in Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Northern Uganda, Nepal, Columbia, Israel,...

Tempo Forte (5-9 March) Circular

Dear Brothers, May the grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill your hearts now and forever! The following are some of the matters that were treated in the tempo forte meeting and which may be of interest to the members of the Congregation of the Mission. 1....