The Province of Fortaleza (Brazil)

THE FIRST STEPS TOWARDS THE FUTURE PROVINCE When Fr. Guillermo began his mission, in the place which would later become the Province of Fortaleza of the Congregation of the Mission, five confreres had already arrived, sent directly from the Province of Holland. One of...

News from the Province of Venezuela

The Province of Venezuela has joined in the joy of the Church on the eve and the solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul. On the eve, Brother José Alexis Carrasco, a young man, hopeful and convinced of his vocation, pronounced his Good Purposes. In the morning of the...

NUNTIA No. 6, June 2007

The General Curia The Superior General, the Assistants General, the Secretary General, the three sisters who serve in the Curia, the Treasurer General and Superior of the community, and Fathers Ginete, Suescun and Becerra, as those responsible for other offices of the...

Meting of the Visitors (11):Finally, it was all over…

The day was centered on the Eucharist, to be celebrated at five p. m., as the closing act of the meeting. Up to that moment it was time to collect things, formulate conclusions and pack up the luggage not only with one’s personal belongings but also with the pills and...