Go to Folleville

For us, as Vincentians, 1617 is not simply one more year.  Rather that year marks the beginning of our charism and our mission.  Father Luigi Mezzadri, in his book, Folleville and Chatillon, a return to the sources, refers to the year of 1617 in the life of Vincent de Paul and states:  the life and the mission of Vincent were clarified in 1617, a year which Vincent spent far from Paris.  In January of that year Vincent was in Folleville, a village near Amiens; he had been invited there by Françoise-Marguerite Silly, the wife of Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi.

Today we find in Folleville the ruins of a 17th century castle, and a beautiful church with beautiful Renaissance tombs the area surrounding this village is populated by about a hundred inhabitants.

For us, as Vincentians, Folleville is the place where we discover our soul.

It is the place where the charism was born … the place where everything began.

After 400 years, the 25th successor of St. Vincent, Father Tomaž Mavrič, returns to Folléville to remind us that our origins are located in a specific place, to remind us that our charism which spread throughout the world and which has been lived by countless men and women … that charism was born in Folleville.

Translated by: Charles T. Plock, CM

ENG[English] Go to Folleville
FRA[Français] Va a Follevill
ESP[Español] Ir a Folleville
POR[Português] Ir a Folleville
POL[polski] Iść do Folleville
ITA[Italiano] Vai a Folleville
SVK[Slovenčina] ísť do Folleville
SVN[Slovenščina] Iti v Folleville