As part of our #VocationCulture project we interviewed stage director Andrea Chiodi who prepared a show on the life of Saint Vincent de Paul which will be performed during the special event of the Vincentian Family in collaboration with Synod of Bishops titled “When Charity Calls You”.
In the interview Andrea explains us as a man and a professional how to tell the story of charity in this world so globalized and technologized world and urges us to experience the story sharing living and authentic testimonies. But above all it emphasizes the need to meet the other, stop over, let your eyes meet and reach out towards him.
In this #MissionMonth, words of Andrea Chiodi seem to be an excellent missionary exhortation, because as the director says “we must avoid making things simple” and from our Vincentian point of view leave everything, leave and go to the edges of world to support the poor. it is not easy at all, but it is testimony of truth!