The International Commission for the Promotion of the vocation to the Brotherhood in the Congregation of the Mission met in Cameroon from January 3-7, 2019.

This Commission was created by the Superior-General during the Tempo-Forte of March 2018. During that meeting a group of five Brothers (from different Provinces) presented a report to the General Council on the present situation of the Brothers in the Congregation. 

This Commission is composed of the following: Miles HEINEN (Assistant General), Francisco BERBEGAL VÁZQUEZ (Province of San Vicente de Paúl-Spain), Guénolé FEUGANG (Vice-Province of Cameroon), Adriano FERREIRA SILVA (Province of Río de Janeiro) and Martial TATCHIM FOTSO (Vice-Province of Cameroon).

The meeting took place at the Saint Vincent de Paul Seminary in Yaoundé, the political capital of the country. Due to problems with regard to passport and visa, Brother Adriano was unable to participate in the meeting. The above cited seminary is the formation house for the philosophy and theology students who are members of the Vice-Province of Cameroon. Students from the Province of Nigeria are also studying at the same seminary.

Prior to the meeting, the members communicated with one another through e-mail and had discussed various readings and documents. At the meeting, three documents provided a foundation for the deliberations: the report submitted to the General Curia at the March 2018 meeting; the Final Document from the Meeting of Vocation Directors (CIF:Paris, November 2018) and the revised Ratio Formationis.

Even though different proposals were examined, the objective of the Commission is to develop a long-term plan for the revitalization of the vocation to the Brotherhood. This plan also takes into account the development of a culture of vocations that is being promoted by the Congregation (January 25, 2018 Letter of the Superior General).  We are convinced that the promotion of the vocation of the Brother in the Congregation of the Mission occurs when all the members take ownership of their own identity and mission. Such an action will not only change the vision of the Brother in the Congregation (and in the Church) but will also change the way in which we present this vocation to young people.

Some proposals are going to be developed by the members of the Commission. We highlight here their proposal to create a space in which the present Brothers can communicate among themselves. This plan will be presented to the members of the General Council along with other lines of action. After the meeting of the General Council we hope to present more details about our proposals.


Francisco Berbegal Vazques – Province of San Vicente de Paúl – Spain

Translated: Charles T. Plock, CM – Easter Province, USA