Relive the transmission of the first in this series in dialogue with the Provinces:
On May 4, the day that Phase two, of the response to the health emergency due to the COVID 19 pandemic, began in Italy and some other countries in Europe, we began a series in which different provinces of the Congregation of the Mission will share their experience with us in a live stream mode. Father Zeracristos Yosief, CM, Assistant General, coordinated the dialogue for more than an hour with three visitors: Erminio Antonello, CM, visitor of the Province of Italy, Christian Mauvais, CM of the Province of France and Guénolé
Feugang, from the Vice Province of Cameroon. In the midst of the transmission, due to technical failures, another member of the province of France, Bernard Masarini CM, joined the transmission to share the experience of the confreres and of the Vincentian Family in France.
All three responded to the issues, how the confreres of the Congregation have lived through this time of isolation and pandemic, the initiatives of care for the poor, either by our missionaries in the parishes or in collaboration with the Vincentian Family and ended with a reflection on this time of pandemic.