On November 6 we observe the memory of the 60 witnesses to the faith, up to the shedding of their blood. All of them belong to our great Vincentian Family. They belonged to these branches:

* 40 missioners of the Congregation of the Mission (24 priests and 16 brothers)
* 5 diocesan priests from the diocese of Murcia, assessors of different lay associations of our Family.
* 2 Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
* 7 laymen Sons of Mary
* 6 knights of the Miraculous Medal

All of them martyred during the religious persecution that occurred during the Spanish civil war between 1936 and 1939. The beatification event took place in the context of the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Vincentian charism in the Church.

All of us know how St. Vincent, by the two crucial experiences he lived in Folleville and Châtillon, discovered the need of the mission and charity. These are the tracks that will lead the Vincentian Family to its fullness and holiness. Well, it is in the same missionary context and the option for the most needy that the courageous witnesses of these new martyrs must be put. They confessed their faith in the Risen Christ with serenity and courageously defended the values of the Gospel. They even went so far as to forgive those who were executing them, in imitation of Jesus Christ himself. “There is no act of love greater than martyrdom,” our Founder once said.

The martyrdom of these 60 Vincentians is a gift, a grace and an example that encourages us to be faithful. “Blessed are you when they insult you, persecute you and slander you in any way because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for God will give you a great reward” (Mt 5:11-12). In this world of ours marked by caprice, short-term projects and the search for well-being at the expense of anything, these new martyrs became a benchmark that speaks to us of the beauty of life given by God and at the service of others to the end. It is clear that martyrdom testimony cannot be improvised. It is the result of an entire life oriented on the Gospel or, in other words, martyrdom is the most important fruit of permanent fidelity, a heroic act proper to mature personalities, and to convinced, coherent Christians.

Perhaps none of us will have to face cruel martyrdom. Today’s persecutions are done in a “more civilized” way. However, we are all called to cultivate and strengthen faithfulness, a value that is at the basis of all martyrdom. For us, faithfulness, understood in a dynamic way, will be what keeps alive our vocation as evangelizers and servants of the poor.

The new martyrs can stimulate us to grow in “creative faithfulness”. Let us hope that we will be able to work out our vocation in a creative way in a world pierced by disbelief, ignorance of Jesus Christ and the misery of so many millions of people. This daily effort is what the Church and the world expect of us as Vincentians.

“Take care of your poor life – Vincent advises a missioner – Be content with consuming it little by little for Divine Love. It is not your own; it belongs to the Author of life, for love of whom you must preserve it until He asks it of you, unless an opportunity arises to offer it, like a good priest, eighty years of age, who was just martyred in England after cruel torture.” (CED II: 211)

Like St. Vincent, we also believe the Vincentian Family is not weakened by the cruel death of several of its sons and daughters. We know from the history of the Church it is exactly the opposite. Tertullian already noted this in the second century: “The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.” The Church has been made great by the silent preaching of her holy martyrs. And our Family, exactly the same. “For one who will suffer martyrdom, many more will come; his blood will be like the seed that brings forth fruit, and fruit in abundance.” (CCD X:443)

Extracts from the Letter of the Superior General to the Vincentian Family in Spain on beatification of the martyrs of the 20th century; May 17, 2017

During the Spanish religious persecution of 1936-1939, there were many of many sons and daughters in the V.F. who were martyred: 586 of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 69 members of the Association of the Miraculous Medal, 56 missionaries of the Congregation of the Mission, 29 Daughters of Charity and 11 Sons and Daughters of Mary.

From this great number, the Church has elevated to the altars 102 (54 Missionaries of the C.M., 29 C.H.C., 13 of AMM, 5 diocesan priests and 1 Daughter of Mary.

First group: Beatified on October 13, 2013 in Tarragona

14 are missionaries of the Congregation of the Mission, three of them being brothers coadjutors, 27 Daughters of Charity and one Daughter of Mary.

Here is the list of martyrs: From the Congregation of the Mission

Fr. Fortunato Velasco Tobar, Fr. Leoncio Pérez Nebreda, Bro. Luis Aguirre Bilbao, Fr. Antonio Carmaniú y Mercader, Fr. Ireneo Rodríguez González, Fr. Gregorio Cermeño Barceló, Fr. Vicente Vilumbrales Fuente, Bro. Narciso Pascual Pascual, Fr. Tomás Pallarés Ibáñez, Bro. Salustiano González Crespo, Fr. Amado García Sánchez, Fr. Andrés Avelino Gutiérrez Moral, Fr. Ricardo Atanes Castro and Fr. Pelayo José Granado Prieto.

From the Daughters of Charity:

Sister Melchora Adoración Cortés Bueno, Sister María Severina Díaz-Pardo Gauna, Sister María Dolores Barroso Villaseñor, Sister Estefanía Saldaña 3Mayoral, Sister Maria Asunción Mayoral Peña, Sister Dolores Úrsula Caro Martín, Sisterr Concepción Pérez Giral, Sister Andrea Calle González, Sister Modesta Moro Briz, Sister Pilar Isabel Sánchez Suárez, Sister Josefa Gironés Arteta, Sisterr Lorenza Díaz Bolaños, Sister Gaudencia Benavides Herrero, Sister Juana Pérez Abascal, Sister Ramona Cao Fernández, Sister Josefa Martínez Pérez, Sister Martina Vázquez Gordo, Sister Josefa Laborra Goyeneche, Sister Carmen Rodríguez Barazal, Sister María del Pilar Nalda Franco, Sister Estefanía Irisarri Irigaray, Sister Isidora Izquierdo García, Sister Joaquina Rey Aguirre, Sister Victoria Arregui Guinea, Sister Maria del Rosario Ciércoles y Gascón, Sister Micaela Hernán Martínez and Sister Maria Luisa Bermúdez Ruiz.

Daughter of Mary: Dolores Broseta Bonet.

Our martyrs confessed Jesus Christ before they died and forgave the persecutors with an uncompromising adherence to the Catholic faith. They were shot, burnt or quartered for being followers of Jesus Christ and continuers of his mission. Let us pray for their intercession, courage and strength to be strong witnesses to the Faith in our world.


Second group: Beatified: November 11, 2017 in Madrid.

Pope Francis beatified 60 Vincentian martyrs. There were forty Vincentian missionaries (C.M.) 24 priests and 16 brothers, two Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, thirteen lay people belonging to Vincentian associations such as the Vincentian Marian Youth, and five diocesan priests from Cartagena who were assessors for these associations.


Martyrs of Vallecas

  • José María Fernández Sánchez, C.M.
  • Roque Guillén Garcés, C.M.
  • Benito Paradela Novoa, C.M.
  • Saturnino Tobar González, C.M.
  • Agustín Nogal Tobar, C.M.
  • Cristóbal González Carcedo, C.M.
  • Cesáreo Elexgaray Otazua, C.M.
  • Juan Núñez Orcajo, C.M.

Martyrs of Canillas

  • Vicente Cecilia Gallardo, C.M.
  • Manuel Trachiner Montañana, C.M.

Martyrs of Madrid

  • José Ibáñez Mayandía, C.M.
  • Perfecto del Río Páramo, C.M.
  • Estanislao Páramo Marcos, C.M.
  • Hilario Barriocanal Quintana, C.M.
  • Manuel Requejo Pérez, C.M.
  • Eleuterio Castillo Gómez, C.M.
  • Benjamín Ortega Aranguren, C.M.
  • Maurilio Tobar González, C.M.
  • Ponciano Nieto Asensio, C.M.
  • Teodoro Gómez Cervero, C.M.
  • Benito Quintano Díez, C.M.
  • Isidro Alonso Peña, C.M.
  • Justo Ramón Piedrafita, layman
  • Agustín Fernández Vázquez, layman
  • Felipe Basauri Altube, layman

Martyrs of Hortaleza

  • . José Santos Ortega, C.M.
  • Roque Catalán Domingo, C.M.

Martyr of Vicálvaro

  • Bartolomé Gelabert Pericás, C.M.

Martyrs of Paracuellos

  • Gil Belascoain Ilarragorri, C.M.
  • Victoriano Reguero Velasco, C.M.
  • Laureano Pérez Carrascal, C.M.
  • Pedro Armendáriz Zabaleta, C.M.
  • José García Pérez, C.M.
  • Pedro Pascual García Martín, C.M.
  • Joaquín Zubillaga Echarri, C.M.
  • Francisco Morquillas Fermández , C.M.
  • Miguel Aguado Camarillo, layman

Martyrs of Aravaca

  • José Garvi Calvente, layman
  • Eduardo Campos Vasallo, layman

Martyrs of Barcelona

  • Vicente Queralt Lloret, C.M.
  • Manuel Binimelis Cabré, C.M.
  • Luis Berenguer Moratonas, C.M.
  • Toribia Marticorena Sola, D.C.
  • Dorinda Sotelo Rodríguez, D.C.

Martyrs of Figueras

  • Juan Puig Serrá, C.M.

Martyrs of Valencia

  • Agapito Alcalde Garrido, C.M.
  • Rafael Vinagre Torres, C.M.

Martyr of Silla

  • Rafael Lluch Garín, V.M.Y., layman

Martyrs of Totana

  • José Acosta Alemán, C.M.
  • Juan José Martínez Romero, diocesan priest
  • Pedro José Rodríguez Cabrera, diocesan priest


Martyrs of Cartagena

  • Pedro Gambín Pérez, diocesan priest
  • Isidro Juan Martínez, V.M.Y., layman
  • Francisco García Balanza, V.M.Y., layman
  • Modesto Allepuz Vera, V.M.Y., layman
  • Enrique Pedro Gonzálbez Andreu, V.M.Y., layman
  • José Ardil Lázaro, V.M.Y., layman
  • Francisco Roselló Hernández, V.M.Y., layman

Martyr of Jumilla

  • Cayetano García Martínez, diocesan priest

Martyrs of Archena

  • José Sánchez Medina, diocesan priest