Vincentian homelessness programs around the world, and to advocate for global systemic change to end homelessness in its various forms. To do so, FHA has strived to provide a framework to foster collaboration and exchange amongst Vincentian Family branches. In 2018, the FHA organized a first conference on street homelessness, which gave rise to the “13 Houses” Campaign.
The objective was to change the lives of 10,000 homeless people in 5 years. In only 2 years, the Campaign has reached nearly half of that target, through 54 collaborative projects in 40 countries. In relation to systemic change the FHA was active in bringing together Vincentian Family members at the United Nation. They focussed on supporting a campaign, led by the Institute of Global Homelessness based at DePaul University , aimed at raising the profile of street homelessness as a global issue. As a direct result of this campaign homelessness became the central theme of the UN Commission on Social Development in February 2020. This is the first time in its 75 year history that the UN has focussed on homelessness and it led to a resolution, approved by the UN General Assembly, paving the way for a reduction in homelessness to be a measurable target within the Sustainable Development Goals.
As part of this ongoing lobby FHA members also contributed to a book on “Catholic Social Teaching and Homelessness” in collaboration with the Vatican.
In response to recent events the FHA showcased the resilience and alertness of Vincentians who sprung to action as the pandemic took hold of different countries, and after the terrible explosions which left more than 300,000 homeless in Beirut. Two fundraising appeals helped the emergency efforts run by various Vincentian groups in over 15 countries.
In short, for the past three years, the FHA has been the witness of the global vibrancy of Vincentians committed to ending homelessness at all levels supported by our 14 trained FHA “Ambassadors” drawn from different parts of the Vincentian Family from across the globe.
From local projects for street children in small rural towns, to housing programs in big cities, to advocacy coalitions at the UN. We hope this Vincentian Family mobilization will continue in the years to come. A second conference on refugees and displaced populations, due to take place in 2020, has been rescheduled to the Autumn of 2021 due to the current health crisis. A third conference, on slum dwellers, is also scheduled for the near future. FHA aims to continue developing these and other concrete opportunities for Vincentians to serve the homeless together. We thank all of the Vincentian Family branches who have actively taken part in the FHA, the Vincentian Family Executive Board, the FHA Commission members, FHA “Ambassadors” and all donors who have made the past three years possible, keeping alive the Vincentian Charism, and bringing hope to the most marginalized.