At 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 21, family, friends and representatives of the Vincentian Family gathered at the Cathedral in Asunción, Paraguay to accompany our brother Diego Martinez, once a seminarian, then a deacon and now a priest.

About 100 people who were allowed by protocol to attend the ceremony were present. It was also transmitted via social networks.

The celebration was filled with emotion from the beginning to the end. The day has come, so long awaited by Diego, and by all those who were fortunate enough to know him and share with this process with him. Today, this process has come to an end, by the grace of God, as he was ordained.

Monsignor Edmundo Valenzuela, Archbishop of Santisima Asunción, who presided the Eucharist and through the consecratory prayer he granted our brother the order of the presbyterate. Diego Martinez, a priest of the Congregation of the Mission.

In his words of gratitude our brother could not hold back his emotion at the moment of recognizing himself as a Vincentian missionary priest. He expressed his enormous gratitude to God as he allowed him to be part of the Little Company.

Father Diego shared his desire to be an instrument of the merciful father with everyone present, to bring the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to all. This is his greatest motivation.

After the mass we went to the Vincentian seminary, where we shared lunch with Father Diego. The joyful atmosphere, the sunny day and a large united family were the reflection of a memorable day. Not forgetting those who were not able to attend, but who accompanied us in untiring prayer from wherever they could. All of us, heaven and earth, rejoiced. Especially our founder St. Vincent de Paul, for this new priest will carry on the Vincentian charism and continue the mission of Christ, Evangelizer of the Poor.


Agustín Barattini, seminarian