How to revitalize today our Vincentian missionary identity?
To the confreres ministering in the various international missions, to those who are preparing for one of those international missions or for an “interprovincial mission”, furthermore, we hope that all who are engaged in similar missionary work will be able to participate.
Let us reflect on our missionary identity in light of the next General Assembly. Do we experience burning within us the charity of Christ who was moved with compassion for the crowd (Mark 8:2) … Christ who is the source of our apostolic activity and who, in accord with the words of our Founder, impels us to make the gospel effective (CCD:XII:75). Does the power of He who is Love fill our hearts with faith and hope and does that same power impel us to live our commitment in the same manner of Jesus Christ who loved his own in the world and loved them to the end (John 13:1). God the Father, who has sent us forth on mission, is hidden but is nevertheless present in the cries of the poor and the cries of humankind. In his love we can be assured of finding the signs that we seek … signs that will be found in each culture and people and nation. In that way our proclamation of the good news will enable people to have life and to have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
With the desire to open new paths and apply new means adapted to the circumstances of time and place, we propose to join together in prayer and reflection and discernment in order to build up a new Vincentian missionary pastoral approach that is able to revitalize the proper spirit of our charism.
Fr. Aarón Gutiérrez Nava, CM
Africa: 1st Session: April 15 at 14:30 hours Rome
Meeting ID: 847 8181 2368
American: 1st Session: April 22 at 10am (America); 17:00 (Rome)
Meeting ID: 869 1806 4016
Asia-Oceania: 1st Session: April 29 at 7:00am (Rome)
Meeting ID: 823 2884 3189
Europe-Middle East: 1st Session: May 6 at 16:00 hours Rome
Meeting ID: 893 3925 9679