What does it mean to promote and realize a “professional culture”?
How can we live a charism like ours, which was born four hundred years ago, in a society like today’s?
What language should we adopt to bring young people closer to the Vincentian missionary spirit?
These and many other questions are answered in the book of Fr. Rolando Gutiérrez, CM, entitled “Where God wants us”, published by CEME-La Milagrosa.
In this video, which we offer you, the author tells us about the birth of the book and the reasons for reading it.
In fact, this text is addressed to all vocation promoters, but not only to them. The theme and the style with which it is treated are of interest to all Vincentians in the world, because Fr. Rolando, in his essay, manages to illuminate this new path that can bring us closer to the duties of this third millennium, bringing the salvation of Jesus Christ to a world in continuous transformation.
We need new formative materials that will help us to interpret this new world reality in the best possible way while remaining faithful to our original vocation. In this book you will find a practical guide for personal formation and for the people in your communities.
This video and surely the book by Fr. Rolando Gutiérrez, CM “Where God wants us” must be a very interesting material for reflections among us Vincentians. Sadly there is no English translation or subtitle. Could we or would we then wait for the English translation to come later? Thanks.