This group of martyrs of the Vincentian Family consists of 33 members of the Congregation of the Mission, 17 of them priests and 16 coadjutor Brothers. To these 33 religious were added six laymen, Knights of the Miraculous Medal. All were victims of the fierce religious persecution that presumed to eliminate the Church of Spain in the mid-1930s. The Beatification took place on Saturday, 11 November 2017, in Madrid, and coincided with the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian Charism (1617-2017). For the Canonization of these, our Blessed, a miracle attributed to their intercession must be presented.

Here is the list of the 39 Martyrs:

Brother Vicente Cecilia Gallardo, 22, originally from Cabra (Córdoba).
Brother Manuel Trachiner Montañana, 21, a native of Puzol (Valencia).
Brother Roque Catalán Domingo from La Aldehuela (Teruel). He was 62.
Father José Ibáñez Mayandía from La Puebla de Híjar (Teruel). He was 59.
Brother Perfecto Del Río Páramo, 54.
Brother Estanislao Páramo Marcos, 51.
Father Hilario Barriocanal Quintana, 67.
José Garvi Calvente from Madrid, a layman, merchant, married with a daughter. He was 55.
Justo Ramón Piedrafita, 40, originally from Huesca, doorman, married with six children.
Agustín Fernández Vázquez, 41, originally from El Escorial (Madrid).
Felipe Basauri Altve, 55, originally from Bilbao.
Eduardo Campos Vasallo, 52, originally from Orduña (Vizcaya), married with six children.
Father Manuel Requejo Pérez was originally from Aranda de Duero (Burgos). He was 64.
Father Eleuterio Castillo Gómez was about to turn 33. He was born in Marmellar de Arriba (Burgos).
Father Maurilio Tobar González, 56, originally from Tardajos (Burgos).
Father Onciano Nieto Asensio, born in Valverde de Campos (Valladolid), was 61.
Father José Santos Ortega, originally from Tardajos (Burgos), was 54.
Father Benjamín Ortega Aranguren died a martyr on 19 October 1936 at 51.
Father José María Fernández Sánchez was 61 and was born in Oviedo.
Father Roque Guillén Garcés was 57.
Father Benito Paradela Novoa was born in Amoeiro (Orense). He was 49.
Brother Saturnino obar González from Tardajos (Burgos) was 78.
Brother Agustín Nogal Tobar was also from Tardajos (Burgos) and was 51.
Brother Cesáreo Elexgaray De Otazua from Busturia (Vizcaya) was 32.
Brother Cristóbal González Carcedo from Lodoso (Burgos) was 23.
Brother Juan Núñez Orcajo, originally from Fontioso (Burgos), was 54.
Father Victoriano Reguero Velasco from Valladolid was 34 anni.
Brother Gil Belascoain Ilarragorri from Legarda (Navarra) was 53.
Father Laureano Pérez Carrascal, 60, was originally from Valladolid.
Father Teodoro Gómez Cervero, 59, was born in Deza (Soria).
Brother Pedro Armendáriz Zabaleta from Amatriaín (Navarra) was 57.
Brother José García Pérez, 21-year-old novice, was from Tuy (Pontevedra).
Miguel Aguado Camarillo, a layman, was 33 and left six children and a wife.
Father Pedro-Pascual García Martín, 34, was from Monteagudo del Castillo (Teruel).
Brother Joaquín Zubillaga Echarri from Echeverri (Navarra) was 37.
Father Francisco Morquillas Fernández from Sarracín (Burgos) was 47.
Brother Bartolomé Gelabert Pericás was born in Consell (Mallorca). He was 64.
Father Benito Quintano Diaz from Lodoso (Burgos) was 75.
Brother Isidro Alonso Peña was 77.

If you have received any grace through the supplication to this confrere or know someone, please contact the Procurator General, Fr. Giuseppe Guerra, at: