The feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is a time of profound theological and spiritual reflection in the Christian tradition. This celebration, which commemorates the elevation of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, to Heaven body and soul, is an opportunity to consider the momentous significance of this event and its continuing relevance in the contemporary world.

A Thread in the History of Faith

The feast of the Assumption has its roots in the early veneration of Mary within the Christian community. Although the precise origin of this devotion is difficult to trace, the celebration of the Assumption dates back to the earliest centuries of Christianity. The Church formally recognised this celebration in 1950, when Pope Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption. This act affirmed the conviction that Mary, because of her unique role as the mother of Jesus and her immaculate conception, was taken into Heaven in anticipation of the resurrection that all believers await.

A Link to Redemption and Eternal Hope

The Assumption of Mary has profound theological and spiritual overtones. Her elevation to Heaven reflects the special relationship between Mary and her Son, as well as her role as the New Eve, whose “yes” to God reversed the damage of original sin. The Assumption also prefigures the final resurrection of the bodies at the Parousia, illustrating Christ’s victory over death and his promise of eternal life. Mary, assumed into Heaven, becomes a living witness to the hope that all believers share.

A Beacon of Hope

In a world full of challenges and turbulence, Mary’s Assumption remains a beacon of hope for believers. Her example of humility, obedience and surrender to God’s will resonates in a modern context where the search for meaning and transcendence is a constant. Mary reminds us that, despite our struggles, our earthly life is only a stage in our pilgrimage towards eternal life.

Invitation to Devotion and Reflection

The Assumption invites us to deepen our Marian devotion and to contemplate Mary’s unique role in salvation history. Her assumption into Heaven not only brings us comfort, but also exhorts us to follow her example of humility and unconditional love for God.

A Link between Past and Present

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary is more than a point of doctrine; it is a call to reflection and devotion that transcends time and space. In our search for meaning and transcendence, Mary reminds us that eternal life is the ultimate goal. On this feast, we join with believers of past and future generations in a moment of reverence and adoration of her who, by her unique role, remains a beacon of hope.



Fr. Hugo Vera, CM