May the grace an peace of Jesus, be with us always!

I am writing to you once again to extend a formal invitation to participate in the Missionary Formation Session at CIF that will take place at our Motherhouse in Paris from 5-26 November 2023.

The formation of missionary disciples, convinced of the urgency of keeping alive and operative the missionary mandate of Jesus Christ: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you (Matthew 18:18-20) is what moves us to continue, in spite of the past difficulties, with the Missionary Formation Sessions at CIF that were begun five years ago.

Saint Vincent de Paul encourages within us the missionary spirit with the following words: How happy, how happy the condition of a missionary who has no other frontiers in his missions and works for Jesus Christ than the whole habitable earth! Why, then, restrict ourselves to a point and set limits, when God has given us such a great extension in which to exercise our zeal? Once again, the urgency of the mission in a wounded humanity that needs the Good News of peace cannot leave us indifferent, especially us, Vincentian missionaries, who within this wounded humanity are demanded to open our eyes and hearts to the situation that the poor are living today.

The Missionary Formation Session at CIF is offered:

  • For those missionaries who are preparing for a mission ad gentes or local mission;
  • For those missionaries who are already in the missions, but so far did not have the opportunity to participate at the “Mission Formation Session at CIF”;
  • For all missionaries of our Little Company who will like to participate at the “Mission Formation Session at CIF”.

I would like to invite all the Visitors, Regional Superiors and Superiors of the International Missions, to encourage the confreres to participate at this course. One of ours priorities as the Congregation of the Mission, is to keep opening new missions in the countries where we are still not present.

With this in mind, this yearly course is a very valuable tool to prepare our confreres for the new missions, that is so much part of our Charism.

NB: Those confreres who need a VISA to enter France should contact Father Andrés Motto in order to initiate with sufficient time (3 months) the process to obtain said visa. Any observation, question, suggestion, or proposal is most welcome.

For those confreres who will need financial help to participate at the “Mission Formation Session CIF” we are ready to help.

For Registration or questions regarding the course, please write to:

Father MOTTO Andrés Román María, CM Director of CIF: International Formation Center; (95, rue de Sèvres; 75006 Paris; France). Tel cell: +33 6 31 52 43 52; email:

CIF MISSIONARY – Formation Session 2023

We have divided the session into four modules which will be developed over three weeks.
Below, you will find pertinent information about each module:


Module #1DayTheme


Monday 06 Nov. 2023


MC. 1: Presentation of the course and Introduction to the Vincentian reading of the reality
AfternoonMC. 3: Mission in the African context


by continent

Tuesday 07 Nov. 2023


MC. 2: The reality of the poor a fundamental of the mission
AfternoonMC. 4: Mission in the context of Asia and Oceania


by continent

Wednesday 08 Nov. 2023



MC. 5: Mission in the American context

AfternoonMC. 6: Mission in the context of Europe and the Middle East


Module #2DayTheme
Aspects of Missionary TheologyThursday 09 Nov. 2023


TM. 1: Mission in the Bible
AfternoonTM. 2: Mission in Theology
Missionary DocumentsFriday

10 Nov. 2023

TM. 3: Mission in the documents of the Church


AfternoonTM. 4: The Plan of Jesus, the Evangelizer
Elements of Missionary MinistryMonday 13 Nov. 2023


TM. 5: Mission and Evangelization of cultures
AfternoonTM. 6: Missionary Ministry


Module #3DayTheme

Vincentian Mission

Tuesday 14 Nov. 2023


VM. 1: Saint Vincent and mission

Vincentian Mission

Wednesday 15 Nov. 2023


VM. 2: Missions in the CM
AfternoonVM. 6: Inter-religious Dialogue

Vincentian Mission


16 Nov. 2023

VM. 5: Mission and Human Promotion



17 Nov. 2023

MV. 3: Community for the Mission
AfternoonMV. 4: Synodality in and for the Mission



Module #4DayTheme
Growth In  MissionMonday 20 Nov. 2023



MC. 1: Spirituality of Evangelization

AfternoonMC. 2: Vincentian missionary spirituality

Personal Growth

Tuesday 21 Nov. 2023

Morning & Afternoon


MC. 3 Mission and affectivity (Personal perspective)


Community Growth.

Wednesday 22 Nov. 2023

Morning & Afternoon


PC. 4 Mission and affectivity (Community perspective)

RetreatThursday 23 Nov. 2023

Morning & Afternoon

PC. 5 Retreat: Following Jesus Christ in the manner of Saint Vincent
Life PlanFriday

24 Nov. 2023

Morning & Afternoon

PC. 6: Plan for my missionary life


Saturday…  11 Nov. 2023Morning:     Personal work

Afternoon: Vincentian Visit: Saint Lazare

Sunday…     12 Nov. 2023Free
Saturday…  18 Nov. 2023Morning:     Visit with the Superior General

Afternoon: Vincentian Visit: Right bank of the Seine

Sunday…     19 Nov. 2023Excursion:    Prepared by the participants
Saturday…  25 Nov. 2023Morning:     Hand in work and evaluation

Excursion:    Visit Folleville, Amiens

Sunday…     26 Nov. 2023Departure: Prepare to leave


Your brother in Saint Vincent,
Tomaž Mavrič, CM