As the month of September begins, a period in which we honor our founder, Saint Vincent de Paul, with special fervor, we want to share with you a special prayer.

This prayer is an invitation to reflection, devotion, and to imitate the virtues of Saint Vincent, who with his life embodied the essence of Christian charity.

Saint Vincent left us words of great wisdom and inspiration, among them:

“God never rejects those who pray to Him with humility and trust.”

This phrase reminds us of the importance of sincere prayer and complete surrender to the divine will. In a world where we often feel overwhelmed by challenges, Saint Vincent’s words are a beacon that guides us towards deeper faith and greater trust in the Lord.

We invite you to read, meditate, and share this prayer throughout the month of September, so that it can inspire and strengthen our community in the mission of serving with love and dedication.

O Saint Vincent de Paul, Apostle of charity and model of service to the poor, We pray for your intercession with our Heavenly Father.

Guide us with your wisdom on our journey of faith and dedication to others.

You embodied the virtues of a true disciple of Christ, Illuminate us with a simplicity of heart, so that we may clearly see God’s will.

Grant us the humility to recognize our limitations and serve with commitment. Infuse us with gentleness, welcoming every person with openness and patience.

Help us live in self-denial, putting aside ourselves for the good of others, And ignite our hearts with zeal for souls, bringing everyone closer to You.

You, who ignited a flame of charity in the world, Guide the Vincentian missionaries in their mission.

Inspired by your life, may they spread the message of salvation And bring the Gospel to distant lands and needy hearts.

Grant them strength and courage, And may their mission be guided by your intercession and blessing.

We pray to you especially, O Saint Vincent, to intercede for vocations, both priests and brothers, who will follow your path of dedication and service.

Help us become instruments of peace and justice,

Confident in God’s plan for humanity.

Grant us the grace to grow in holiness, following in your footsteps,

And to walk ever closer to God.
