The mission to serve the poor and spread the Gospel has been at the heart of the teaching and work of St Vincent de Paul, and continues to resonate strongly in the words and teachings of Pope Francis. The following reflection is inspired by the words of the Holy Father, who has expressed on several occasions his thoughts and encouragement towards mission and service to the poor, emphasising the importance of charity, hope and sharing in the journey of faith and conversion.

Burning Hearts for Mission

In his message for the 97th World Mission Day 2023, Pope Francis invites us to have “Burning Hearts, Feet on the Way”, emphasising the importance of keeping the flame of faith and missionary enthusiasm alive. The story of the disciples of Emmaus becomes a symbol of our journey of faith, where the encounter with the risen Christ kindles our hearts and urges us to share the Good News with all those we meet on our path.

Service to the Poor as Mission

St Vincent de Paul embodied the mission of service to the poor in an exemplary way, showing how love of God and neighbour are intimately connected. Pope Francis, in his message to the Vincentian Family in 2017, emphasised how charity is never a superficial or merely welfarist action, but an authentic encounter with the suffering face of Christ in the other, especially in the poorest and most marginalised.

The Congregation of the Mission: A Model of Charity and Hope

The Congregation of the Mission, founded by St Vincent, becomes a model of how charity and hope can transform the lives of those who serve and those who are served. Pope Francis, speaking to the Vincentian Family, stressed the importance of being ‘missionaries of listening’, ready to recognise the sufferings and hopes of the poor, and to share with them the journey of faith and redemption.

Conclusion: A Call to Mission and Sharing

The call to mission and service to the poor is an invitation to open our hearts to the transforming presence of Christ and to share the gift of faith with joy and generosity. Pope Francis reminds us that mission is not an isolated endeavour, but a communal journey, where each member of the Church is called to contribute their gifts and availability. In this journey, we are invited to look to models such as St Vincent and be inspired by the words and example of the Holy Father, to live our vocation as missionary disciples with authenticity and courage.

– [Message of Pope Francis for the 97th World Mission Day 2023]
– [Pope Francis’ Message to the Vincentian Family, 2017]
– [Address of Pope Francis to the Vincentian Family, 2017]