Letting oneself be illuminated by the Light of Christ
Third Sunday of Advent

On the Third Sunday of Advent, we approach the heart of the message of hope and renewal that characterises this liturgical season. The Gospel of John (1:6-8, 19-28) presents us with a profound and significant theme: enlightenment through the light of Christ. This article will explore how enlightenment, described in John’s Prologue, is an invitation to become peacemakers, spreading and generating further light, transforming ourselves and the world around us.

The Light of Christ as Source of Peace and Transformation

The Gospel of John speaks to us of a light that “enlightens every man”. This light, which is Christ himself, is not only a spiritual guide, but also a source of inner peace and transformation. In a world often shrouded in the darkness of hatred, injustice and conflict, the light of Christ offers a way to reconciliation and peace.

Becoming Bearers of the Light of Christ

To be enlightened by the light of Christ also means to become bearers of that light. This implies an active commitment to spreading peace, love and justice in our daily environment. Every action, word and thought that reflects the light of Christ contributes to transforming our families, our communities and ultimately the whole world.

Personal Transformation through the Light of Christ

The light of Christ also has the power to transform ourselves. This personal transformation is essential to becoming true witnesses of the Gospel. Reflecting on the light of Christ, we are called to continual conversion, to review our priorities and values, and to live in a way that reflects the truth, love and compassion of Christ.

A Path of Light and Peace

The Third Sunday of Advent invites us on a path of light and peace. To allow ourselves to be illuminated by the light of Christ means opening our hearts to His transformative presence and becoming instruments of His peace in the world. In this Advent season, we are called to reflect on how we can be bearers of Christ’s light, spreading peace and love in every corner of our lives.

Girolamo Grammatico
Communication Office