On the occasion of World Book Day, we immerse ourselves in a reflective reading of the texts that are the beating heart of the Congregation of the Mission: the Constitutions, Statutes and Rules.

These texts are not mere documents; they are the voice of St Vincent de Paul who continues to guide the steps of his missionaries towards a life of dedication and service.

The Fundamental Texts of the Congregation of the Mission on the Occasion of World Book Day

The Constitutions: The Structure of the Vincentian Vocation

The Constitutions outline the spiritual and organisational framework of our Congregation. They are the foundation on which our identity and mission rest. Missionaries find in them inspiration and wisdom, a renewed sense of belonging that unites yesterday and today in a single mission. The words of St Vincent resonate through the pages, reminding us that ‘it is for the poor that we exist’.

The Statutes: Regulations for an Effective Mission

The Statutes serve as an operational and organisational guide, outlining how we live our vocation in the modern world and how we structure our communities. These principles help us navigate the challenges of service, while preserving fidelity to our Vincentian heritage. From evangelisation to the formation of clergy, the Statutes offer a concrete and moral compass that directs us towards effective actions consistent with the Gospel.

The Rules: The Daily Path to Holiness

The Rules are the daily breath of our community life. They are the daily path to holiness, instructing us on how to live in communion with God and our brothers and sisters. In these guidelines we find wisdom for every aspect of our lives, from personal prayer to our interaction with the poor and needy.

The Impact of the Founding Books on Community and the World

These texts have shaped countless lives, deeply rooting our mission in love and service. They remain alive not only through reading, but especially through action. Every missionary who serves, every life they touch, every prayer that rises is a testimony to their eternal relevance.

Renewing Commitment through Reading

On this World Book Day, we urge you to immerse yourself in our fundamental texts. Rediscover the richness of the Constitutions, meditate on the Statutes and live the Rules. Share your reflections and make our ancient words a bridge to new conversations and actions. For every page, every word and every deed unite in one glorious hymn of charity.

Girolamo Grammatico
Communication Office