Discover how the youth of Livorno are rediscovering the Vincentian charism through initiatives of charity and solidarity. Join us as we explore the ‘Vincentian street fraternity’ movement, a project that combines faith and concrete love in the service of the poor. Discover the impact of these actions in the area and how young people are making a difference in the lives of those most in need.


Love is inventive, even in Livorno

The flame of Vincentian charisma continues to ignite the world, inspiring new young collaborators capable of sustaining the work of charity. The service to the poor knows no age limit. A compelling example is the young members of the “Vincentian Street Fraternity,” engaged in service to the poor in Livorno—a two-year-old initiative within the framework of Vincentian apostolate that is gaining momentum in the city. From the beginning, the founders of this charitable movement, Father Francesco Gusmeroli CM and Sister Raffaella Spiezio FdC, envisioned integrating a structure for the service of charity within youth ministry, aiming to revitalize Vincentian spirituality and teach young people the importance of concrete love from an early age. They gathered a group of young people from the parish of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, along with those from the Casa Papa Francesco and even those who do not frequent the parish, aged between 14 and 20 years. It is a group open to all young people dedicated to philanthropic acts.

These young people embody the passion of Saint Vincent de Paul, who as a child distributed some flour to the poor. Here is what Brother Louis Robineau, his secretary, tells us: “Vincent de Paul said about himself that when he was still a child, his late father, who was a farmer in the village of Pouy in the Diocese of Dax, sometimes sent him to the mill to bring grain to be ground, and he gave the flour to the poor. This was a great presage of all the works of charity and almsgiving that he would one day provide to an innumerable number of poor people.” Following in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul, these young people live charity as love in action, mainly by providing food to the homeless and showing solidarity with the poor.

Mission and Services


The primary and essential mission of this charitable activity organized by the young people is to rekindle hope in the most needy and abandoned, even when this hope seems lost. To carry out this mission, Father Francesco and Sister Raffaella work in every possible way to help the young people feel more compassion for those in need and to develop a compassionate heart towards the miseries and sufferings of others, to be credible witnesses of the Gospel of Love.


Their charitable activities mainly take place on Wednesday evenings. Every Wednesday evening, after prayer in the chapel of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish, these young people, under the supervision of the two founders, go to the railway station to meet the poor and the homeless, listening to them as a sign of compassion for their situation. Then, a mobile service offers food to all those who have nothing to eat. These young people became more creative in 2024, wanting to show compassion towards migrants. In June 2024, they went to Trieste to witness firsthand the situation of migrants entering through the Balkan route. This leads us to affirm that the Spirit increasingly revives charity in the hearts of young people, so they may recognize Christ in the poor and be forever witnesses of God’s love in this world.

Father André Ngombo CM