Prayer is a fundamental element of Vincentian spirituality and the mission of the Congregation of the Mission. Praying for and with the poor is an act of love that unites the community and strengthens service to the needy, following the example of St. Vincent de Paul and the directives of the Church.

The Importance of Prayer for and with the Poor

Prayer is the beating heart of Vincentian spirituality and the mission of the Congregation of the Mission. St Vincent de Paul founded his work on divine love and concrete service to the poor. In this dialogue with God, we find strength and guidance for our service. Praying for and with the poor enriches both missionaries and the poor spiritually, creating a community of faith and hope.

Prayer in the Life of Missionaries

According to the Congregation’s Statutes, prayer is a daily practice that supports the spiritual and apostolic life of missionaries. Articles 40-50 of the Statutes emphasise the importance of prayer, communal meditation, spiritual reading and spiritual direction. These practices not only strengthen the faith of missionaries, but also prepare them to live out their charism as evangelisers of the poor.

Prayer as the Foundation of Mission

St Vincent de Paul teaches us that prayer is essential to keep alive the spirit of charity and service to the poor. He stated: “We must love God, but with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brow.” (St Vincent de Paul, XI, 40). Prayer is not just contemplation, but concrete action on behalf of the needy.

Praying for the Poor

Praying for the poor means interceding with God for their material and spiritual needs. It is an act of love and solidarity that expresses our closeness and commitment to improving their living conditions. Prayer for the poor is a way of entrusting their suffering to God, asking for His intervention and mercy. In addition, praying for the poor helps missionaries to maintain an awareness of their mission and to find strength and motivation in their daily service.

Praying with the Poor

Prayer with the poor is an act of deep sharing, where spiritual and material needs meet. The Constitutions of the Congregation (C. 40) emphasise: “Prayer is particularly recommended in the apostolic life, since it unites us deeply with Christ and our brothers and sisters, especially the poor, and makes the mission fruitful.” Praying together with the poor creates a community of faith and hope.

Community Prayer Testimonies

In the missions of the Congregation, missionaries organise moments of community prayer with the poor, including Mass celebrations, recitation of the Rosary, Eucharistic adoration and other acts of piety. These moments not only strengthen the faith of the participants, but also offer spiritual support that is often more valuable than material help.

Prayer for and with the poor is fundamental in Vincentian spirituality. It allows one to live the charism of St. Vincent in an authentic way, integrating service to the poor with a deep life of faith. Praying for the poor is an act of love and intercession, while praying with the poor builds a community of faith and hope. For the missionaries of the Congregation, prayer thus becomes a powerful instrument of evangelisation and social transformation.


Girolamo Grammatico
Communication Office