Vincentian Familly Haiti Initiative Progress Report October 2015 – June 2017 is now available online.

Dear Friends,

This has been a year of major changes for us as our project grows into its next phase. As you know, we have decided to focus our e orts around the area of Savane Perdue, La Hoye in the Central Plateau of Haiti. To accomplish this goal we had to first bring to completion our education program in the other areas of the Central Plateau and Port-au-Prince, the Capital.

I am happy to say that these have been successfully concluded. More can be found about this process in this report.

Many of our current programs are continuing to run successfully in La Hoye, including the Tilapia farm and Fonkoze managed Pathway to a Better Life poverty alleviation program. Bringing these different programs together in one community allows us to connect increasingly with the locals and integrate synergistic future projects into the community.

None if this is possible without our collaboration with many people both locally and abroad. We are excited by the possibilities working with our local team, farmers, our Business Advisory Committee from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the US, the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (ST’s), and Haitian institutions such as Fonkoze and ACCESO. And we also count on your continued support of our efforts both spiritually and financially.

In the name of those we serve,

Fr. Joeseph V. Agostino, CM