Extremely important Symposium information!

If you are planning to come to Rome for the Symposium in October you MUST register online at http://famvin400.info/ before the deadline of 1 September 2017. ** PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLY TO: cmcuria@cmglobal.org Thank you** cmcuria@cmglobal.org Thank...

Vincentian Solidarity Office 2016 Report

The Vincentian Solidarity Office has published a very attractive and informative year end report. It proudly points to 19 projects in Africa, 6 in Asia, 1 in Eastern Europe and 6 in Latin America. The total disbursement exceeded one million dollars (US). Their own...

July issue of Nuntia available online

  The  2017 July issue of Nuntia features the following articles. From the perspective of the 400th anniversary of the origin of the Vincentian charism Assembly: Province of Argentina Jubilee:  50 Years of Evangelizing the Poor In the North and Northeastern...

Vincent’s heart moves to the peripheries in France

The heart of Saint Vincent continues its pilgrimage through France and with each step, the heart of St. Vincent moves further away from Paris. From the South of France, Sr. Marie Brigitte Baloge, D.C. reports on what happened during the visit.   At the request of...

Seminar in the Studies of the Charism

Seminar in the Studies of the Charism Fathers Fenelón Castillo and Marlio Nasayó from the Province of Colombia shared with us the conclusions and resolutions taken at the Seminar on Studies of the Charism organized by the Congregation of the Mission of the Province of...