I WAS A STRANGER AND YOU WELCOMED ME (Ξένος ἤμην καὶ συνηγάγετέ με) (Mt 25, 35c) P. Humberto Aristizábal Sánchez, CM The theme guiding the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the birth of the Vincentian charism, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me...

Beatification of the new Spanish Vincentian Martyrs

Beatification of the new Spanish Vincentian Martyrs To the Members of the Vincentian Family That is what a Christian is made of, and that is the courage we must have in order to suffer and die, when necessary, for Jesus Christ (words of Vincent de Paul when speaking...

May 2017 NUNTIA

The May 2017 edition of NUNTIA of the Congregation of the Mission is now available. Among the features… More than 1000 made pilgrimage to Sniatyn Annual Meeting of Coviam The Province of Slovakia held their triennial Provincial Assembly Golden Jubilee...

Our anniversaries weave together past and present

Fr. Tom McKenna, in a reflection that appeared on FamVin,Past Filling Present (I Corinthians 15:1-2) suggests we use anniversaries to see how they weave together the past and present. At this jubilee time we come to celebrate so many years of Vincentian service and...

The purpose of the Vincentian Vocation

Rolando Gutiérrez, CM, of the Vice-Province of Costa Rica, offers his Vincentian Reflection: May 2017 To Unite our Will to the will of God: The purpose of the Vincentian Vocation [1] A time to understand Many Vincentian scholars have utilized the phrase of the famous...