Teologia para Evangelizar

Teologia para Evangelizar

 La nuova evangelizzazione (=NE) non può nutrirsi solo di nuovi slogan e di indisciplinato ed effervescente zelo. Il pathos isolato dello zelo non va tanto lontano, e la novità della sua evangelizzazione presto cede il passo alla fatica, alla delusione, alla noia. Lo...
2016-2017 CALENDAR for CIF

2016-2017 CALENDAR for CIF

2016  ROME: Orientation Sessions                                               for New Vincentian Visitors From 12 through 19 of January, 2016, the director of CIF participated in these sessions to assist those newly appointed Visitors of the Congregation of the...
Sponsorship – CIF

Sponsorship – CIF

The International Formation Center (CIF) is a work of the Congregation of the Mission established by the Superior General with his council to offer programs of ongoing Vincentian formation for members of the Congregation of the Mission. It is developed primarily for...
A Nigerian perspective on the CIF program

A Nigerian perspective on the CIF program

Nigerian perspective on the Ongoing Formation Program, (CIF Paris). September 9th – November 4th 2016. I am Fr Ambrose Esigbemi Umetietie,cm. From the the province of Nigeria. After my ordination in August 2013, I was sent to Chad International Mission. However, I had...
A Nigerian perspective on the CIF program

CIF Vincentian Heritage Program Fall 2017

Andres Motto of the Province of Argentina and Director of CIF writes… Dear Brothers, May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ always accompany us! Allow me to make a new invitation to the monthly CIF course dedicated to priests and brothers from the 20 years of votes or...