Our anniversaries weave together past and present

Fr. Tom McKenna, in a reflection that appeared on FamVin,Past Filling Present (I Corinthians 15:1-2) suggests we use anniversaries to see how they weave together the past and present. At this jubilee time we come to celebrate so many years of Vincentian service and...

A Vincentian View: Taking a Second (Better) Look

“A Vincentian View: Taking a Second (Better) Look” by Pat Griffin, CM offers an invitation to take a second look at things we think we know. Certainly an appropriate invitation as we see the early Church in the Acts of the Apostles taking a second look. I...

Mary and Vincentian Spirituality

Father Pat Griffin has shared his perspectives on Mary in Vincentian Spirituality. He prepared for a mini-retreat for students in the Internal Seminary or Novitiate of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission  Mary – 12 page booklet – The...

Is this a creed you can live?

Alexander Correa, CM offers “A Vincentian Creed”  Is this a creed you can live? [Found on famvin] I BELIEVE in God, the Lord of history who is and who comes; I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, who gave Himself for me, for you, for all without...

A woman called Louise

Fr. Mizael Donizetti Poggioli, CM reflects on “A woman called Louise”… I remember a woman named Louise deMarillac. For those who know something about her life, they understand that her life is a great story of putting experiences into perspective....