The Louise many do not know

It has only been in recent years that we have come to know much more about St. Louise de Marillac. As we celebrate the recently moved feast of St. Louise, VinFormation has provided a list of easily accessible resources which provide a window on this new research....

Vocations and Formation

Father Rolando Gutiérrez, CM of the Vice-Province of Costa Rica writes of “Vocations and Formation – Commentary on the Letters of the Superior General” From the time of his election as Superior General at the XLII General Assembly of the Congregation...

Easter Joy and the Vincentian Charism

Rolando Gutiérrez, CM,Vice-Province of Costa Rica,  writes of “Easter Joy and the Vincentian Charism” A time to understand Evangelii Gaudium, the first Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis that was published some three years ago, highlights and clarifies...

Earth Day – 10 Points from Laudato Si

In celebration of Earth Day an article in America Magazine, “Top Ten Takeaways from ‘Laudato Si”, reminds us that Pope Francis’ revolutionary new encyclical calls for a “broad cultural revolution” to confront the environmental crisis. “Laudato Si” is...