Fr.Maloney – Spiritual Advisor of SSVDP

Introducing the new International Spiritual Advisor of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul From the press release of the Society… The Council General International (CGI) of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is very happy to introduce to everyone our new...

Foundation of the Daughters of Charity

November 29 marks the foundation of the Company of the Daughters of Charity Learn more about the origins of the Daughters of Charity using Famvin’s multimedia resources. This list of resources tagged “Daughters of Charity” features videos, slide shows, and more....

The silence of St. Catherine Laboure

Fr. Michael McCullagh, CM reflects on the silence of Catherine Laboure. Some excerpts… In the silence of sleep and dreams, St. Catherine Labouré experienced visions and from those visions came sounds or voices which have enriched our Vincentian Family and the...

CLAPVI formation session for Superiors

On October 24th, in the Seminary of Saint Vincent de Paul (Santiago, Chile) the formation session for local superiors was initiated … this opportunity for on-going formation was sponsored by CLAPVI. Father Corpus Delgado (Zaragoza) animated and directed this...