NUNTIA June – July 2019

NUNTIA June – July 2019

We are publishing the summer edition of NUNTIA. We have joined together the months of June and July and therefore, this edition is somewhat larger than usual. We hope that this will not complicate matters for those who print this edition for the other members of their...
NUNTIA May 2019

NUNTIA May 2019

Here is the latest regular issue of the NUNTIA news bulletin published in modern and functional design helping you to enjoy reading it on any device or printing a ‘light version’ (without photos) which is more printer-friendly. In this issue we talk about celebrations...


It is a great joy we deliver the April issue of the NUNTIA, official monthly bulletin of news of the Congregation of the Mission from the General Curia. We want it to reach a specific audience, namely the Confreres in various corners of the world. Every month we...


NUNTIA is a Latin word which means: news, information, messages, communications. it is the newsletter of the Congregation of the Mission which as their mean of communication and provides official information Every month you may read NUNTIA bulletin online or...


NUNTIA is a Latin word which means: news, information, messages, communications. it is the newsletter of the Congregation of the Mission which as their mean of communication and provides official information Every month you may read NUNTIA bulletin online or...


NUNTIA is a Latin word which means: news, information, messages, communications. it is the newsletter of the Congregation of the Mission which as their mean of communication and provides official information Every month you may read NUNTIA bulletin online or...