Tempo Forte October 1-6, 2017

The minutes of the Tempo Forte October 1-6, 2017 are now online. Circular – Tempo Forte 1-6 October 2017 (TEMPO_FORTE-Oct-ENG PDF – Tempo Forte Oct Eng  Word) One must be firm and unchanging with regard to the end  but gentle and humble as to the means. (Letter...

Presenting our 12 International Missions

Our superior General has written his annual appeal for personal and financial support of our 12 International Missions. The following document presents graphics of each of the 12 missions and a brief sketch about the mission. 12 international missions  PDF   My...

Superior General’s Mission Appeal

Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, our Superior General makes his annual mission appeal. He titles it “A call to renew the zeal, passion, and fire for the Missions Ad Gentes”   To all the members of the Congregation of the Mission   My dear brothers,   May the...