Saint John Gabriel Perboyre

Saint John Gabriel Perboyre

“Ask God for my conversion and my sanctification,… so that I may accomplish at least a part of his designs for me and grant me His mercy for the rest.” Excerpt from a letter of John Gabriel Perboyre to his brother, in charge of the Sacristy at St. Lazare, Motherhouse...
Antony Frederic Ozanam

Antony Frederic Ozanam

Antony Frederic Ozanam, with a group of seven friends, founded the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, chosen as his patron under the influence of Sister  Rosalie Rendu, Daughter of  Charity, who would accompany them in their first steps in the visit to the poor in...
François-Regis Clet

François-Regis Clet

  A short sentence in the book of Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth) (4:12), taken by Francis Regis Clet to encourage his missionary confreres to a profound experience of fraternity and as a support in their mission, can also be used as a synthesis of his life: A three-ply...
St. Justin de Jacobis

St. Justin de Jacobis

Of the many sons of Vincent de Paul who have been exemplary in their vocation and evangelizers of the poor, some have been put forward for us to admire and take as a role model. Justin de Jacobis – the great apostle of the Abyssinian people (known today as the people...