In this phrase, we have tried to maintain the same line of thinking as in previous years, of walking, leaving, not staying static, anchored or attached to one place. In the same way, it attempts to recover our fundamental vocation of being missionaries, not parish priests, of looking at missionality as something natural. This is part of our vocation, recovering the universality and the internationality of the Congregation seeking new horizons, wherever our missionary and Vincentian presence is necessary.
The Missionary Vocations Festival will be a virtual fraternal place of formation and prayer to start the Vincentian Month by integrating two fundamental themes in the Congregation of the Mission: vocation and mission.

- To summon the greatest possible number of confreres and formandi of the CM to offer a space for training and virtual interaction by means of a digital platform.
- To initiate the Vincentian month through a formative activity that introduces us to the celebrations proper to our charismatic family.
- To stimulate the interest of the directors of the Vocational Ministry and their teams, on the possibility of working together from the Vocational Culture
- To propose the campaign of 1% – 2020 and the missions around the world, as an option that can enrich our missionary identity in the Vocation Ministry.
- To invite to a virtual meeting in view of a possible process of permanent formation for those responsible for Vocation Ministry in the provinces, vice-provinces, regions and international missions.
I hope that these words of Saint Vincent help us to revitalize our foundational vocation as missionaries and to do this from the perspective of our universality and internationality. Indeed, may the Spirit of Jesus animate us and enable us to clothe ourselves in a missionary mobility that is proper to our Vincentian charism. That is why I want to encourage and invite all the confreres of the Little Company to register today for this event.
May this event help us to become more sensitive to our vocational call to go all over the world. The continuity of our missionary activity will also depend on how much we strive to fill the world with the heritage that we have received from our Holy Founder: our spirituality and our charism.
What will happen at the festival!
A New Book on The Vincentian Vocational Culture
According to the author, this work is the result of a series of reflections expressed in his conferences and articles in which he takes into consideration the contributions of some outstanding personalities in the field of vocational ministry, such as Amedeo Cencini. The author also refers to the Vocational Promotion Congresses that were held in Europe and Latin America as well as the recent Synod that was held in Rome (2018) on the theme of Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment. There is also reference to the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, Christus Vivit.

Interview with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle,
Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
On June 17, Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM, has conducted an interview with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. The complete conversation on the New Evangelization and the challenges for the Congregation of the Mission will be showed during the Festival exclusively.
Missionary and Vocational Testimonies

Fr. Pedro Opeka, CM Missionary in Madagascar
“The best way to help the poor is to respect them, to stand before them as an equal, without any masks, privilege, without any authority other than love and respect. And love will help you persevere in spite of the disappointments and the failures and the lack of honesty that we have to deal with almost every day.”
Fr. Yohanes B. Belina Werang, CM from Indonesian Province
“Reflecting back my reason why I decided to join the missio n in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands now is to live our vincentian charism which is to bring the Good News to the poor people and the places where the vincentians are most needed. In order to live our charism, five vincentian virtues, which are humility, meekness, simplicity, mortification, and seal for souls are necessary and significant important to help us in our mission place.”

Br. Jorge Barrera, Missionary in Cuba
By discovering the poor we discover each better, the face of JESUS, if they are not at our side in a vocation that lacks something, it is a road not found, it is a road without exit, to find our vocation, in our life of consecration, seeking Jesus in the midst of the poor is to find the footprints of St. Vincent, and to find ourselves in them it is enough to fill ourselves with the love found in each of these little ones. because they are the true road to true happiness to give glory to Jesus Christ.
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