The Advent Letter of the Superior General 2018

The Advent Letter of the Superior General 2018

  Rome, 19 November 2018 To all the Confreres of the Congregation of the Mission My very dear confreres, May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us! Two years ago, in my first letter for the feast of Saint Vincent, I wrote to you about Saint Vincent de Paul as...

Vincentiana 2002 – N. 4-5

Vincentiana 2002 – N. 4-5 Mes Vicenciano 2002: Presentación, Curia Mes Vicenciano 2002: Participantes, Curia Mes Vicenciano 2002: Programa, Curia Saludo de Bienvenida de la Superiora General de las Hijas de la Caridad, Elizondo, Sr. J. Homilía SG: apertura del...

Vincentiana 2009 – N. 5

Vincentiana 2009 – N. 5 MISSION APPEAL (October 2009), G. Gregory Gay, C.M. YEAR OF THE PRIEST, G. Gregory Gay, C.M. TEMPO FORTE CIRCULAR (5-9 October 2009), Vincent de Paul – Louise de Marillac, Presentation,  Julio Suescun Olcoz, C.M. Vincent and Louise, a...

Vincentiana 2010 – N. 4

Vincentiana 2010 – N. 4 MISSION AWARD FOR 2010, G. Gregory Gay, C.M. TEMPO FORTE CIRCULAR (2-9 October 2010), G. Gregory Gay, C.M. MISSION APPEAL LETTER, G. Gregory Gay, C.M. RECENT OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS TO THE GENERAL CURIA, G. Gregory Gay, C.M. ADVENT LETTER...