Vincentian Mission in Amazonia – Brazil

Jair do Carmo Sales Suares, C.M. writes, “I hope that my message will reach the confreres as a Gospel summons: “You lack only one thing: go and sell all you have. Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come and follow me.” (See...

Provincial Assembly of Province of Slovakia

Józef Noga. C.M. Province of Slovakia On May 9th and 10th we had the Provincial Assembly of Slovakia in the Provincial House of Bratislava, at which we all the members of our Province participated. The program of the Assembly had two parts: In the first part we worked...

New Procurator General and Archivist

New General Procurator and General Archivist Father G. Gregory Gay, the Superior General and his Council, named Father Varghese Thottamkara. C.M., as the new Procurator General and General Archivist during a session of the Ordinary General Council on April 15. Father...